
Vincent largely put seahorse conservation on the map. Not only did she take her studies under the water and into their world, she identified a conservation concern for these tiny fish and mounted a campaign to secure their future.

Countries drastically underreport the number of fish caught worldwide, according to a new study, and the numbers obscure a significant decline in the total catch.

The study finds that coastal First Nations communities could suffer economic losses between $6.7 and $12 million annually by 2050.

The new web platform provides the first comprehensive coverage of both reported and unreported fish caught by every country in the world.

The dramatic decline is caused by an number of factors including overfishing, fishing gear entanglements, pollution, invasive predators, habitat change, and climate change.

Climate change is forcing fish out of their current habitats and into cooler waters and many more species will soon be affected if climate goals are not met, say scientists.

People will not be able to enjoy the same quantity or dishes in the future

“We should use international waters as the world’s fish bank,” says Prof. Rashid Sumaila

Most ships involved oil spills registered in states that consistently fail to comply with international safety and environmental standards

Large numbers of fish will disappear from the tropics by 2050, finds a new UBC study that examined the impact of climate change on fish stocks.