A promising new technique called DNA metabarcoding, can be used to identify specific marker genes in seal droppings.

Tags: Faculty, fisheries economics, fisheries management, IOF alumni, Rashid Sumaila, Sea Around Us, Seminars and events
Fisheries scientists and experts from Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia, Cape-Verde, Guinea Bissau, Guinea, and Sierra Leone will attend a capacity-building workshop at UBC. Updates added.

In one of the largest global studies of its kind, researchers conducted over 6,000 reef surveys in 46 countries across the globe, and discovered 15 locations where there were a lot more fish on coral reefs than expected.

Global fish catches peaked in 1996, while the Earth’s human population is expected to rise through 2050, from the current 7.3 billion to between nine and 10 billion.

Tags: Dana Miller, Faculty, Illegal fishing, Insurance, IOF postdoctoral fellows, OceanCanada, Rashid Sumaila
Illegal fishing is a major problem that siphons an estimated $10 to 20 billion annually from the global economy, and causes millions of tonnes of fish to disappear from the oceans.

Pakhomov's research focuses on physical-biological interactions in the oceans, a critical field of study for predicting ecosystem response driven by climate change.

Vincent largely put seahorse conservation on the map. Not only did she take her studies under the water and into their world, she identified a conservation concern for these tiny fish and mounted a campaign to secure their future.

Tags: Daniel Pauly, Dirk Zeller, Faculty, fisheries economics, fisheries management, Marine catches, Sea Around Us
Countries drastically underreport the number of fish caught worldwide, according to a new study, and the numbers obscure a significant decline in the total catch.

Tags: Aboriginal fisheries, Climate change, Faculty, Indigenous fisheries, IOF students, Nereus Program, William Cheung, Yoshitaka Ota
The study finds that coastal First Nations communities could suffer economic losses between $6.7 and $12 million annually by 2050.

The new web platform provides the first comprehensive coverage of both reported and unreported fish caught by every country in the world.