Celebrating our graduates
It is always sad to say goodbye to our graduating students.
William Cheung wins UBC Alumni Achievement Award
He receives the Research and Innovation, which recognizes the important professional and community contributions of UBC alumni who have consistently demonstrated outstanding social achievements in research and innovation.
What could be impacting the food source of Southern Resident killer whales?
There are currently 74 Southern Resident killer whales, and this population is listed as endangered in both Canada and the U.S. The species relies on Pacific salmon (Chinook and coho) for food, however these salmon populations have been decreasing for decades.
Microplastics may be accumulating at a high rate in endangered Galápagos penguins’ food web
The model predictions showed a rapid increase in microplastic accumulation and contamination across the penguins’ prey organisms resulting in Galápagos penguin displaying the highest level of microplastics per biomass, followed by barracuda, anchovy, sardine, herring, and salema and predatory zooplankton.
Do a deep dive into… The Falkland Gentoo Penguins!
Discover the Falkland gentoo penguin and learn from experts at the Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries!
Diving, snacking, laying eggs! What do different hemoglobin levels mean for gentoo penguins?
Gentoo penguins have to food forage before laying eggs. The amount of hemoglobin in their blood may increase diving capacities. Increased diving may mean more tiny penguin chicks.
Sea Around Us co-organizes IMPAC5 side event
The Sea Around Us is co-organizer of the workshop “Marine Biodiversity Knowledges & Governance” taking place on February 2, 2023.
Salmon from freshwater to the ocean: there and back again
Video for this seminar is now available! Click to watch
Nearly 300 scientists ask the WTO to ban harmful fisheries subsidies
The researchers feel the WTO could use their upcoming meeting to sign an agreement that forbids such harmful practices, while allowing for small-scale, sustainably managed wild fisheries.
Countries likely missing out on revenue from catch share fisheries
Despite harvesting an estimated global value of US$17.7 billion worth of fish, many catch share fisheries may be paying little or no royalties on their harvests, with countries likely foregoing this potential source of revenue.