Our alumni have a very long history of individual achievements and collective success. Each year, IOF trainees earn Master’s or Doctoral degrees for their innovative research in oceans and fisheries. These highly qualified personnel are now working at the forefront of the global shift toward sustainable oceans. We are extremely proud of our alumni for their contributions and their successes.
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Advani, Sahir
Program: PhD, RES
Thesis: How commoditization and cross-cultural values influence the sustainability of small-scale fisheries in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India
Supervisor: Tony Pitcher, Mimi Lam
Agbayani, Selina
Program: MSc, RES
Thesis: Bioenergetic requirements of migrating eastern North Pacific grey whales in the face of climate change
Supervisor: Andrew Trites
Ahrens, Robert
Thesis: A global analysis of apparent trends in abundance of large tunas and billfishes inferred from Japanese longline catch and effort data
Supervisors: Carl Walters, Villy Christensen
Al-Abdulrazzak, Dalal
Program: PhD, Zoology
Thesis: In the Wake of the Dhow: Historical Changes in the Marine Ecology and Fisheries of the Persian Gulf
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Allegue, Hassen
Program: MSc, Zoology
Thesis: Habitat use and foraging behavior of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) in the Strait of Georgia
Supervisor: Andrew Trites
Allen, Pamela
Thesis: Examine the seasonal changes in growth and feeding of Steller sea lions‚ Eumetopias jubatus‚ from captive records
Supervisor: Andrew Trites
Andersen, Alicia
Program: MSc, OCF
Thesis: Vulnerability assessment for juvenile sockeye salmon using biological indicators
Supervisor: Brian Hunt
Angkiriwang, Patricia
Program: MSc, Zoology
Thesis: Tracing climate impacts using participatory systems mapping: informing adaptation for a marine food system in the Tla’amin First Nation
Supervisor: William Cheung
Anticamara, Jonathan Alburo
Thesis: Recovery of fish assemblages and benthic habitat inside marine protected areas
Supervisor: Amanda Vincent
Atwood, Elizabeth
Thesis: Studying stress and thyroid hormones as well as diet in wild populations of northern fur seals to determine if these factors are contributing to a decline in some populations
Supervisor: Andrew Trites
Aylesworth, Lindsay
Thesis: Community and population ecology, specifically to address seahorse conservation, threats and management
Supervisor: Amanda Vincent
Azana, Cynthia
Thesis: Seasonal variation in nutrient composition of Alaskan walleye pollock (Theragara chalcogramma) and its effects on the nutritional status of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus)
Supervisor: Andrew Trites
Bailey, Megan
Thesis: Economics of Tuna Fisheries in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean
Supervisor: Rashid Sumaila
Ban, Stephen
Thesis: Canada Modelling and characterization of Steller sea lion haulouts and rookeries using oceanographic and shoreline type data
Supervisor: Andrew Trites
Ban, Natalie
Thesis: Response of plankton community structure to temporal heterogeneity and productivity
Supervisor: Amanda Vincent
Ben Hasan, Abdulrahman
Program: PhD, OCF
Thesis: On seasonality, fisheries, and management with a focus on the Arabian Gulf.
Supervisor: Villy Christensen
Beisner, Beatrix
Thesis: Response of plankton community structure to temporal heterogeneity and productivity
Belhabib, Dyhia
Thesis: West African fisheries: past, present and “futures?”
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Bendriem, Nathan
Program: MSc, RES
Thesis: Looking at the potential economic costs and benefits of improved production of Coho Salmon land-based aquaculture in British Columbia
Supervisor: Rashid Sumaila
Benoit, Natalie
Program: MSc, OCF
Thesis: Using environmental DNA (eDNA) to monitor outmigrating juvenile Pacific salmon
Supervisor: Brian Hunt
Bhathal, Brajgeet
Thesis: Historical reconstruction of Indian marine fisheries effort, 1950 to 2005, as basis for biological and economic models
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Biery, Leah
Thesis: Using enhanced shark catch data to estimate the magnitude, global distribution and species composition of the shark fin trade
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Bonfil Sanders, Ramon
Thesis: Elasmobranch fisheries: status, assessment and management
Supervisor: Tony Pitcher
Boonzaier, Lisa
Thesis: Marine protected areas: a global exploration of their quantity and quality
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Bowles, Ella
Thesis: Determining the relative amounts of prey in Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) diet using real-time PCR
Supervisor: Andrew Trites
Bozynski, Chantal
Thesis: Interactions between growth, sex, reproduction, and activity levels in control and fast-growing strains of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Brotz, Lucas
Thesis: Jellyfish fisheries of the world
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Bratty, Jessica
Thesis: The winter ecology of juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchis kisutch) in interior British Columbia streams
Supervisor: Carl Walters
Bredesen, Emma
Thesis: Krill and the Antarctic: Finding the Balance
Supervisor: Andrew Trites
Buchary, Eny
Thesis: In search of viable policy options for responsible use of sardine resources in the Bali Strait, Indonesia
Supervisor: Tony Pitcher
Buckworth, Rik
Thesis: Effects of Spatial Stock Structure and Effort Dynamics on the Performance of Alternative Assesstment Procedures for the Fisheries of Northern Australia
Supervisor: Carl Walters
Bundy, Alida
Thesis: Assessment and Management of Multispecies, Multigear Fisheries: A case study from San Miguel Bay, the Philippines.
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Burg, Theresa
Thesis: Genetic analysis of eastern Pacific seals (Phoca vitulina richardsi) from British Columbia and parts of Alaska using mitochondrial DNA and microsatellites)
Supervisor: Andrew Trites
Caldwell, Iain
Thesis: Movement of a sedentary fish in response to environmental change
Supervisor: Amanda Vincent
Campbell, Brooke
Thesis: A global analysis of historical and projected mariculture production trends, 1950-2030
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Cannon, Sara
Program: PhD, Geography
Thesis: Coral reef management across the Micronesia region of the Pacific Ocean
Supervisor: Simon Donner
Cardenas, Susana
Thesis: Recovery of South American fur seals in Peru
Supervisor: Andrew Trites
Cashion, Madeline
Program: MSc, Zoology
Thesis: A shark by any other name: Assessing and improving shark and ray catch data in the Mediterranean and Black Seas
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Cashion, Timothy
Program: PhD, OCF
Thesis: Get it in gear: evaluating gear-based trade-offs in fisheries
Supervisor: Rashid Sumaila
Cheneval, Olivier
Thesis: Steller sea lions and predator-prey relationships in a captive environment
Supervisor: Andrew Trites
Cheung, William
Thesis: Vulnerability of Marine Fishes to Fishing: from Global Overview to the Northern South China Sea
Supervisor: Tony Pitcher
Christensen, Line
Thesis: Reconstructing historical abundances of exploited marine mammals at the global scale
Supervisor: Steve Martell
Chudnow, Rachel
Program: PhD, Zoology
Chuenpagdee, Ratana
Thesis: Scales of Relative Importance and Damage Schedules: A Non-Monetary Valuation Approach for Natural Resource Management
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Claytor, Ross
Thesis: Fishery Acoustic Indices for Assessing Atlantic Herring Populations
Supervisor: Carl Walters
Colleter, Mathieu
Thesis: The impact of fisheries on the trophic functioning of marine ecosystems: comparative approach and global-scale mapping
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Coombs Wallace, Andrea
Thesis: Marine Mammals and Human Health in the Eastern Bering Sea: Using an Ecosystem-based Food Web Model to Track PCBs
Supervisors: Andrew Trites, Daniel Pauly
Cope, Scott
Thesis: Responses of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) embryos to intragravel incubation in selected streams within the Stuart-Takla watershed
Supervisor: Carl Walters
Couture, Fanny
Thesis: Assessing the Influence of Climate Variability and Resource on Prey Availability for Southern Resident Killer Whales
Supervisor: Villy Christensen
Cox, Sean
Thesis: Angling quality, effort response, and exploitation in recreational fisheries: field and modeling studies on British Columbia rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss) lakes
Supervisor: Carl Walters
Cox-Rogers, Steve
Thesis: Racial Analysis of Skeena River steelhead trout using scale pattern features
Cullis-Suzuki, Sarika
Thesis: Effectiveness of global Marine Protected Areas in the face of climate change
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Curtis, Janelle
Thesis: Life history, ecology and conservation of European seahorses (PhD); The Impacts of Forest Harvest on the Persistence and Colonisation Potential of Pacific Giant Salamanders (Dicamptodon tenebrosus) in British Columbia (MSc)
Supervisor: Amanda Vincent
Cutting, Allison
Program: MSc, RES
Thesis: Entangled Assumptions: Sea turtles and paper parks in a Nicaraguan small scale fishery
Supervisor: Rashid Sumaila
Dalla Rosa, Luciano
Thesis: The foraging habitat of humpback whales
Supervisor: Andrew Trites
Dalsgaard, Johanne
Thesis: Modeling the trophic transfer of beta radioactivity in the marine food web of Enewetak atoll, Micronesia
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Dalton, Alex
Thesis: Northern Fur Seals, Conservation and Recovery, Energetic Expenditure; Research Area: North Pacific Ocean and the Bering Sea
Supervisor: Andrew Trites
Daniel, Raychelle
Thesis: The Timing of Moulting in Wild and Captive Steller Sea Lions (Eumetopias Jubatus)
Supervisor: Andrew Trites
Darcy, Meaghan
Thesis: Deriving species specific abundance information from aggregate catch statistics (i.e. total catch-per-unit-effort data)
Supervisor: Steve Martell
De Gisi, Joseph
Thesis: Year class strength and catchability of mountain lake brook trout
Supervisor: Carl Walters
De la Puente, Santiago
Program: MSc, RES
Thesis: Management Strategy Evaluation of Peruvian Fisheries (Supervisor: Villy Christensen)
Deecke, Volker
Thesis: Stability and change of killer whale (Orcinus orca) dialects
Supervisor: Andrew Trites
Demarchi, Donald
Thesis: A Spatial Simulation Model for Evaluating the Response of Rare and Endangered Species to Conservation Strategies and Forest Practices: A Case Study on the Northern Spotted Owl
Supervisor: Carl Walters
Diaz Gomez, Mariana
Thesis: The cost of energy transformation and digestibility of macronutrients in northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus)
Supervisors: Andrew Trites, David Rosen
Dier-McComb, Sarah
Program: M.Sc., Zoology
Thesis: Diving into the cold: Individual variation in winter foraging behaviour of Gentoo penguins
Supervisor: Marie Auger-Méthé
Donnelly, Carolyn
Thesis: Comparative nutritive values of Steller sea lion prey species
Supervisor: Andrew Trites
Dóson Coll, Yago
Thesis: Stable isotope analysis of Rivers Inlet sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka): investigating the contribution of environmental conditions in the high seas to British Columbia population declines
Supervisor: Evgeny Pakhomov
du Pontavice, Hubert
Program: PhD
Thesis: Impacts of climate change on the trophic functioning of the world ocean
Supervisors: William Cheung, Didier Gascuel (Agrocampus Ouest - Rennes)
Edwards, Danielle
Thesis: Addressing questions on the social and economic outcomes of an individual transferable quota fishery
Supervisor: Villy Christensen, Evelyn Pinkerton
Efford, Meaghan
From Ecosystem Abundance to the City of Vancouver: A Story of Stewardship and Colonization on Canada’s West Coast
Supervisor: Villy Christensen
Egorova, Yulia
Program: PhD, EOAS
Thesis: Global distribution and biomass of the mesopelagic Mesozooplankton and Micronekton community
Supervisor: Evgeny Pakhomov
Ferguson, Heather
Thesis: Demography, dispersal and colonisation of larvae of Pacific giant salamanders (Dicamptodon tenebrosus, Good) at the northern extent of their range
Florko, Katie
Thesis: Effects of trophic interactions and climate change on the space use of an Arctic marine mesopredator
Supervisor: Marie Auger-Méthé
Forrest, Robyn
Thesis: Simulation models for estimating productivity and trade-offs in the data-limited fisheries of New South Wales, Australia
Supervisor: Tony Pitcher
Fortune, Sarah
Program: PhD, Zoology
Thesis: Diet, energetics and foraging behaviour of bowhead whales in the Eastern Canadian Arctic with implications of environmental change
Supervisor: Andrew Trites
Freire, Katia
Thesis: Fishing impacts on marine ecosystems off Brazil, with emphasis on the northeastern region
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Fujii, Iwao
Thesis: Costs and benefits of changing sampling methods in marine protected area long-term monitoring
Supervisor: Amanda Vincent
Ganapathiraju, Pramod
Thesis: Global study on incentives to compliance with the FAO Code of Conduct and IUU Fishing
Supervisor: Tony Pitcher
Gelchu, Ahmed
Thesis: Evolution and distribution of global fishing effort
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Gerlinsky, Carling
Thesis: How do sea lions manage their oxygen and respond to different prey patches while diving?
Supervisors: Andrew Trites, David Rosen
Giannico, Guillermo
Thesis: Juvenile coho salmon habitat utilization and distribution in a suburban watershed: the Salmon River (Langley, B.C.)
Gibson, Darah
Thesis: Defining small- and large-scale fisheries in British Columbia using a number of social, economic and environmental indicators
Supervisor: Rashid Sumaila
Gillespie, Kyle
Program: PhD, Zoology
Thesis: Accounting for the other 95% of marine animal diversity: Including marine invertebrates in marine protected area science and fisheries management
Supervisor: Amanda Vincent
Gonzalez Espinosa, Pedro
Program: PhD, Geography
Supervisor: Simon Donner
Govender, Rhona
Thesis: A global estimate of the catch of small-scale fisheries
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Graham, Caroline
Program: MSc, OCF
Thesis: A compilation and meta-analysis of salmon diet data during warm and cool phases in the North Pacific Ocean
Supervisor: Brian Hunt
Greenberg, Aaron
Program: PhD, OCF
Thesis: Dungeness crab fisheries
Supervisor: Murdoch McAllister
Greer, Krista
Thesis: Fishing fleets as CO2 emittors: calculating the greenhouse gas emissions of the world's fishing fleets since 1950
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Gregr, Edward
Thesis: An analysis of historic (1908-1967) whaling records from British Columbia, Canada
Supervisor: Andrew Trites
Gregr, Edward
Thesis: Sea otters, kelp forests, and ecosystem services : modeling habitats, uncertainties, and trade-offs
Supervisor: Kai Chan
Goundie, Elizabeth
Thesis: How do changes in prey distribution and density affect Steller sea lions' diving energetics and foraging ability?
Supervisors: Andrew Trites, David Rosen
Guénette, Sylvie
Thesis: Marine reserves for the Northern cod
Supervisor: Tony Pitcher
Guibourd de Luzinais, Vianney
Program: PhD, OCF
Thesis: The impact of marine heatwaves on ecosystems functioning of the world ocean
Supervisor: William Cheung
Haas, Andrea
Thesis: Examining Distribution and Concentration of Access in British Columbia’s Salmon and Herring Fisheries.
Supervisor: Rashid Sumaila
Haggan, Nigel
Thesis: Becoming indigenous : measurable and immeasurable values in ecosystem-based management
Supervisor: Rashid Sumaila
Hall, Anna
Thesis: Effects of tidal mixing on phocoenid distribution: Implications for foraging
Supervisor: Andrew Trites
Harper, Sarah
Program: PhD, RMES
Thesis: Gender and fisheries: from local to global economic benefits and their distribution
Supervisor: Rashid Sumaila
Hauser, Lorenz
Thesis: Status of exploited and introduced kapenta stocks and biochemical genetics and introduced Nile Perch. (Visiting PhD student - University of Swansea)
Supervisor: Tony Pitcher
Hawkshaw, Mike
Program: MSc, Zoology
Thesis: Juvenile Northern pikeminnow dynamics
Supervisor: Carl Walters
Hehre, Edward James III
Thesis: Effects of seaweed farming on tropical shallow coral ecosystems
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Hemphill, Simon
Thesis: The Ecology and Exploitation of Yellowfin Tuna, Thunnus albacares (Bonnaterre 1788) in the Pemba Channel, Kenya
Supervisor: Tony Pitcher
Hicks, Adam
Thesis: A Global Review of E-commerce trade and seahorses
Supervisor: Amanda Vincent
Higgins, Paul
Thesis: Experimental management of water releases from British Columbia hydro dams
Supervisor: Carl Walters
Hnytka, Sarah
Program: MSc, OCF
Thesis: Physiological and Behavioural Performance Metrics of Athabasca Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) across Varying Thermal Regimes in the Athabasca River Watershed
Supervisor: Jordan Rosenfeld
Hoover, Carie
Thesis: Polar ecosystem modeling with respect to climate change
Supervisor: Tony Pitcher
Huato, Leonardo
Thesis: A modeling investigation of migratory behaviour in fishes: a case study of sockeye salmon
Hui, Tabitha
Thesis: The Steller sea lion, its prey and its prey fisheries
Supervisor: Andrew Trites
Hunter, Andrea
Thesis: Estimating marine mammal energy requirements
Supervisors: Andrew Trites, Daniel Pauly
Hutton, Trevor
Thesis: Fisheries management policy in South Africa: An evaluation of alternative management strategies for the hake and linefish fisheries
Supervisor: Tony Pitcher
Jacquet, Jennifer
Thesis: Estimating the contribution of small-scale fisheries to GDP
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
James, Samantha
Thesis: Feeding ecology of juvenile salmon in the Discovery Islands and Johnstone Strait
Supervisor(s): Evgeny Pakhomov, Brian Hunt
Jeanniard du Dot, Tiphaine
Diet quality and season affect physiology and energetic priorities of captive Steller sea lions during and after periods of nutritional stress.
Supervisors: Andrew Trites, David Rosen
Johnston, Barbara
Thesis: Terrestrial Pacific Giant Salamanders (Dicamptodon tenebrosus Good) - Natural history and their responses to forest practices
Jonas, Isaac
Program: MA, RES
Thesis: A benefit cost assessment of implementing marine reserves in the Northern Shelf Bioregion of British Columbia
Supervisor: Rashid Sumaila
Karpouzi, Vasiliki
Thesis: Modelling and mapping trophic overlap between fisheries and the world's seabirds
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Kaschner, Kristin
Thesis: Modelling and mapping resource overlap between marine mammals and fisheries on a global scale
Supervisor: Andrew Trites
Kay, Aran
Thesis: Mysis relicta and kokanee salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in Okanagan Lake, British Columbia: from 1970 and into the future
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Keech, Aaron
Thesis: Fecal triiodothyronine assay validation using captive Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) and subsequent application to free-ranging populations to examine nutritional stress.
Supervisor: Andrew Trites
Keith, Heather
Thesis: A bioeconomic model approach to predicting the spatial fishing effort distribution in the global longline tuna fishery
Supervisor: Rashid Sumaila
Keple, Alison
Thesis: Marine Mammal Population surveys in the Strait of Georgia
Supervisor: Andrew Trites
Khalfallah, Myriam
Program: PhD, RES
Thesis: Data-poor Fisheries: Case Studies from the Southern Mediterranean and the Arabian Peninsula
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Khan, Ahmed
Program: MSc
Thesis: The nature and magnitude of global non-fuel fisheries subsidies
Supervisor: Rashid Sumaila
Klain, Sarah C
Thesis: Wind of change: Offshore wind farms, contested values and ecosystem services
Supervisor: Kai Chan
Kleiber, Danika
Thesis: Effect of marine protected areas on women in coastal communities
Supervisor: Amanda Vincent
Kolody, Dale
Thesis: Analysis of Fraser River sockeye salmon coastal migration route variation using bayesian estimation methods and individual-based modelling.
Koot, Barbara
Thesis: Spatial and temporal distribution of large whales off the coast of British Columbia, using passive acoustic methods Supervisors: Andrew Trites, John K.B. Ford
Korman, Josh
Thesis: Early life history dynamics of rainbow trout in a large regulated river
Kwong, Lian
Program: PhD, EOAS
Supervisor: Evgeny Pakhomov
Manning, Clayton
Program: MSc, Zoology
Thesis: Community structure and seahorse abundance in Southeast Asia
Supervisors: Steve Martell, Amanda Vincent
Kuo, Ting-Chun
Program: PhD, Zoology
Thesis: Managements, economics, and conservation of marine fishes influenced by international trade regulations
Supervisor: Amanda Vincent
Kucey, Laura
Thesis: The effects of human disturbance on Steller sea lions
Supervisor: Andrew Trites
Kumagai, Saeko
Thesis: Seasonal Differences in Physiology of Captives Steller Sea Lions (Eumetopias jubatus) in Response to Short-term Low Energy
Supervisor: Andrew Trites
Kumar, Rajeev
Thesis: Simulation Modelling of Mille Lacs Lake Ecosystems in Support of Ecosystem – Based Management
Supervisor: Tony Pitcher
Lam, Vicky
Thesis: Impact on the global fisheries economics in the face of climate change
Supervisor: Rashid Sumaila
Lang Abarzúa, Carolina
Program: MSc, OCF
Thesis: Impact of environmental variability on Jack mackerel spawning grounds in the open sea of the Southeast Pacific Ocean
Supervisor: Villy Christensen
Lawson, Julia
Thesis: Modelling seahorse life histories to evaluate vulnerability to exploitation
Supervisor: Amanda Vincent
Le Manach, Frédéric
Thesis: Publicly-funded fishing access agreements between the European Union and developing countries
Supervisors: Daniel Pauly, Philippe Cury
Lerner, Jacob
Program: PhD, OCF
Thesis: Revealing Population-Specific Differences in Lipid Content, Marine Distribution, Coastal Food Webs, and Marine Foraging of Sub-Adult Chinook Salmon (Onchorhynchus Tshawytscha)
Supervisor: Brian Hunt
Li, Lingbo
Thesis: Ecosystem modeling for the Strait of Georgia
Supervisor: Tony Pitcher
Licandeo, Roberto
Program: PhD, OCF
Supervisor: Murdoch McAllister
Lozano, Hector
Thesis: Historical ecosystem reconstructions in the Gulf of California (Mexico)
Supervisor: Tony Pitcher
Luskow, Florian
Thesis: Hidden diversity in gelatinous zooplankton assemblages from selected ecosystems around the Pacific Ocean
Supervisor: Evgeny Pakhomov
Forrest, Robyn
Thesis: Simulation models for estimating productivity and trade-offs in the data-limited fisheries of New South Wales, Australia
Supervisor: Tony Pitcher
MacInnis, Maura
Thesis: Grazer control of bacterial abundance in a freshwater pond community
Mackinson, Steve
Thesis: Integrating Knowledge to Predict Spatial Dynamics of Herring Shoals Using an Expert System
Supervisor: Tony Pitcher
Mahara, Natalie
Thesis: Zooplankton community composition in high productivity and low productivity regions in coastal British Columbia
Supervisor: Evgeny Pakhomov
Maharaj, Ravi
Program: PhD, Zoology
Thesis: Shedding light on the future of tropical reef fisheries under climate change
Supervisor: William Cheung
Marcotte, Michelle
Thesis: Steller Watch: Timing of weaning and seasonal patterns in numbers and activities of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) at a year-round haulout site in Southeast Alaska
Supervisor: Andrew Trites
Marsden, Dale
Thesis: Bioeconomic analysis of Fraser River sockeye salmon fisheries management
Supervisor: Rashid Sumaila
Martell, Steve
Thesis: Variation In Pink Shrimp Populations Off The West Coast Of Vancouver Island: Oceanographic And Trophic Interactions (Ph.D. Thesis)
Supervisor: Carl Walters
Martinez, Miguel
Thesis: Ecosystem-based analysis of bycatch in the Mexican tuna fishery
Supervisor: Tony Pitcher
McAdam, Steve
Thesis: Examination of white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) recruitment failure and identification of restoration options
Supervisor: Carl Walters
McInnes, Josh
Thesis: Ascertaining the Community and Sub-Population Structure of West Coast Transient (Bigg’s) Killer Whales in the Northeastern Pacific.
Supervisor: Dr. Andrew Trites
McMullen, Karly
Thesis: The Galápagos penguin as the “canary in the coal mine” for microplastics research in the Galápagos marine reserve &
plastic pollution perceptions in Ecuadorian mangrove communities
Supervisor: Dr. Juan José Alava & Dr. Evgeny Pakhomov
McPhee, Jan
Thesis: Heart rate as an indicator of metabolic rate in captive Steller sea lions
Supervisor: Andrew Trites
Mejaes, Barbara Ann
Program: MSc, RES
Thesis: Classifying and estimating aquaculture subsidies and their risks to the marine environment
Supervisor: Rashid Sumaila
Melnychuk, Michael
Thesis: Mortality of migrating Pacific salmon smolts in southern British Columbia, Canada
Supervisors: Carl Walters, Villy Christensen
Milette, Linda
Thesis: Behaviour of lactating steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) during breeding season: a comparison between a declining and stable population in Alaska
Supervisor: Andrew Trites
Moody, Megan
Thesis: Historical analysis of current and past runs of Pacific Coast eulachon as impacted by traditional fisheries, commercial fisheries and bycatch in the shrimp trawl fishery
Supervisor: Tony Pitcher
Morato Gomes, Telmo
Thesis: Ecology and Fisheries of Seamount Ecosystems
Supervisor: Tony Pitcher
Morgan, Sian
Thesis: The ontogenetic ecology and conservation of exploited tropical seahorses
Supervisor: Amanda Vincent
Morissette, Lyne
Thesis: Canada Complexity‚ cost and quality of ecosystem models and their impact on resilience: a comparative analysis‚ with emphasis on marine mammals and the Gulf of St. Lawrence
Morlin, Maria
Thesis: A comparison of land use and coho salmon abundance in the Georgia basin, British Columbia
Supervisor: Carl Walters
Mountain, Scot
Thesis: An investigation of a potential carrying capacity of coho and chinook salmon in the Georgia Strait
Supervisor: Carl Walters
Mtsambiwa, Morris
Thesis: Some management aspects of pre-recruitment ecology of the freshwater sardine Limnothrissa miodon in Lake Kariba
Supervisor: Tony Pitcher
Nordstrom, Chad
Thesis: Where does mom get the groceries? – Environmental drivers of lactating fur seal foraging locations
Supervisor: Andrew Trites
Obradovich, Shannon
Program: PhD, Zoology
Thesis: Evaluating Key Assumptions of a Hook-Based Relative Abundance Index Derived from the Catch of Bottom Longlines
Supervisor: Murdoch McAllister
O'Donnell, Kerrie
Thesis: Evaluating recovery options for data-limited seahorse fisheries in the Philippines
Supervisor: Amanda Vincent
Okey, Thomas
Thesis: Shifted community states in four marine ecosystems: some potential mechanisms
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Oliver, Gerald
Thesis: Benthic algal and insect responses to nutrient enrichment of an in-stream mesocosm
Olmsted, Paige
Thesis: For Love or Money: Harnessing Environmental Values and Financial Incentives to Promote Conservation Stewardship
Supervisor: Kai Chan
Orlov, Polina
Program: MSc, EOAS
Thesis: Decomposition and sinking of salps and elemental and biochemical changes during decay
Supervisor: Evgeny Pakhomov
Ouimet, Chantal
Thesis: Test of alternative domains of attraction in the dynamics of a fishless oligotrophic lake
Supervisor: Carl Walters
Oyinlola, Muhammed
Program: Ph.D., Zoology
Thesis: Global seafood production from mariculture: current status, trends and its future under climate change
Supervisor: William Cheung
Pajaro, Marivic
Thesis: Test of alternative domains of attraction in the dynamics of a fishless oligotrophic lake
Supervisor: Amanda Vincent
Palacios-Abrantes, Juliano
Program: PhD, Zoology
Thesis: Management of transboundary fish stocks in North America under climate change: Impacts and adaptation
Supervisor: William Cheung
Paleczny, Michelle
Thesis: Temporal and spatial patterns in global seabird population change, and the role of marine fisheries.
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Pata, Patrick
Program: PhD, EOAS
Supervisor: Brian Hunt
Piroddi, Chiara
Thesis: The application of Ecopath with Ecosim to the study of two populations of dolphins in the Eastern Ionian Sea, Greece
Supervisor: Villy Christensen
Poon, Amy
Thesis: Haunted Waters: An Estimate Of Ghost Fishing Of Crabs And Lobsters By Traps
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Porter, Boyd
Thesis: Winter ecology of steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) in Alaska
Supervisor: Andrew Trites
Porteus, Tom
Thesis: Use of Bayesian methods to determine strategy for control of terrestrial vertebrate pest species
Supervisor: Murdoch McAllister
Power, Melanie
Thesis: Ethics and Policy in Canadian Fisheries, with particular attention to the British Columbia salmon fishery
Supervisor: Tony Pitcher
Pozas Franco, Ana
Thesis: Investigating the diet quality of California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) in the Gulf of California, Mexico and Southern California, USA
Supervisor: David Rosen
Preikshot, David
Thesis: The influence of area scale climate and trophic dynamics upon North Pacific oceanic ecosystem models
Supervisor: Villy Christensen
Prince, Angela
Thesis: The movement and competitive behaviours of male coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) reproductive tactics.
Purdy, Aaron
Program: MSc, Zoology
Thesis: What are the physiological effects of increased foraging effort in Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatas)?
Supervisor: David Rosen
Rai, Satbir
Thesis: Identifying the maturation inducing hormone in Pacific Lamprey (Lampetra tridentate) which allows the fully grown but immature oocyte to resume meiosis and become ready for fertilization
Supervisor: David Close
Rambeau, Andrea
Thesis: Modeling the Distribution and Abundance of Humpback Whales in British Columbia.
Supervisor: Andrew Trites
Rechisky, Erin
Thesis: Early Marine Survival and Migration of Endangered Pacific Salmon in the Columbia and Fraser Rivers
Supervisor: Carl Walters
Reinhardt, Ulrich
Thesis: The role of body size in the habitat choice and foraging behaviour of juvenile coho salmon under predation risk.
Relano-Ecija, Veronica
Program: PhD, OCF
Thesis: De facto protection of Marine Protected Areas, a global study.
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Rempel, Laura
Thesis: Habitat variation due to seasonal flooding of the lower Fraser river and the influence on the macroinvertebrate community.
Robertson, Frances
Thesis: Behavioural responses of bowhead whales to industrial seismic activities in the Alaskan Arctic: consequences for distribution assessments.
Supervisor: Andrew Trites
Rosenfeld, Jordan
Thesis: The effect of fish predation on benthic community structure in streams
Salas, Silvia
Thesis: Fishing Strategies of Small-Scale Fishers and their Implications for Fishery Management
Supervisor: Tony Pitcher
Sawada, Joel
Thesis: An examination of differential survival in downstream migrating coho salmon smolts
Supervisor: Carl Walters
Schell, Chris
Thesis: The response of periphyton chlorophyll a and invertebrate drift to the end of nutrient enrichment
Supervisor: William Neill
Schijns, Rebecca
Program: MSc, OCF
Thesis: What has Canada caught, and how much is left? Combining catch reconstructions with current biomass estimates in three oceans
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Schiller, Laurenne
Thesis: A global analysis of tuna and billfish capture fishery landings on the high seas from 1950 to present
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Schreiber, Dorothee
Thesis: Body size, food availability and seasonal rotifer community structure in Deer Lake, British Columbia
Supervisor: William Neill
Schuhbauer, Anna
Thesis: How to increase the economic viability of small-scale fisheries globally
Supervisor: Rashid Sumaila
Scott, Jeff
Thesis: Mapping the information-sharing network of the US Atlantic pelagic longline fleet
Supervisor: Tony Pitcher
Selgrath, Jennifer
Program: PhD, Zoology
Thesis: Ecosystem resilience in coastal fishing grounds
Supervisor: Amanda Vincent
Shea, Lauren
Program: MSc, OCF
Thesis: Spatial Footprint and Climate Risk in Fishmeal and Fish Oil Production
Supervisor: Rashid Sumaila
Sherker, Zach
Program: MSc, IRES
Thesis: Predation by Pacific Great Blue Herons on Juvenile Salmon
Supervisor: Andrew Trites
Singh, Gerald G
Thesis: Understanding and assessing cumulative impacts to coastal ecosystem services
Supervisor: Kai Chan
Singleton, Rebecca
Program: PhD, RMES
Thesis: Innovative funding mechanisms for marine protected areas
Supervisor: Rashid Sumaila
Slogan, Jamie
Program: PhD
Supervisor: Tony Pitcher
Smith, Thomas
Program: MSc, OCF
Supervisor(s): Jordan Rosenfeld, Brian Hunt
Sora, Kristen
Program: PhD, OCF
Thesis: Adaptation of the Beaufort Sea in the Canadian Arctic Under Rapid Environmental Changes
Supervisor: William Cheung
Soto, Karim
Thesis: The effects of prey abundance on the diet, maternal attendance and pup mortality of the South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) in Peru
Supervisor: Andrew Trites
Stanford, Richard
Thesis: Creating an ecosystem model of the English Channel Fishery
Supervisor: Tony Pitcher
Stocks, Allison
Thesis: Diversification and depletion in Vietnamese seahorse fisheries
Supervisor: Amanda Vincent
Surma, Szymon
Program: PhD, RMES
Thesis: The role of Pacific herring in Northeast Pacific trophodynamics
Supervisor: Tony Pitcher
Swartz, Wilf
Thesis: Five not so easy pieces: Globalization of fishing and seafood markets
Supervisor: Rashid Sumaila
Tai, Travis
Program: PhD, OCF
Thesis: Building tools to model the effects of ocean acidification and how it scales from physiology to fisheries
Supervisor: William Cheung
Talloni-Alvarez, Nicolás
Program: PhD, RES
Thesis: Climate change impact on the economics of Canada's fisheries
Supervisor: Rashid Sumaila
Tam, Jordan
Thesis: Understanding adaptation and social-ecological change in Chilean coastal communities
Supervisor: Kai Chan
Taylor, Nathan
Thesis: Growth and Survival Responses to Experimental Fishing: Models, Experiments and Lessons from the Pygmy Pikeminnow of South Central British Columbia
Supervisor: Carl Walters
Teh, Lydia
Thesis: Zoning MPAs using a fuzzy logic system: case study of small scale reef fisheries in Sabah‚ Malaysia
Supervisor: Tony Pitcher
Templeton, Pax
Program: PhD, OCF
Thesis: Distribution, Habitat Associations, and Threats to Patagonian Seahorses in an Argentine Protected Area
Supervisor: Amanda Vincent
Tesfamichael, Dawit
Thesis: Ecopath modeling of the Red Sea Ecosystem and RapFish evaluation of the Red Sea fisheries
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Togunuov, Ron
Program: PhD, Zoology
Thesis: Behaviour-specific habitat selection models of Arctic marine mammals in stochastic and changing environments
Supervisor: Marie Auger-Méthé
Thompson, Lisa
Thesis: Changes in the abundance and production of zooplankton and Kokanee salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in Kootenay Lake, British Columbia during artificial fertilization
Supervisor: Carl Walters
Trujillo, Pablo
Thesis: Adding aquaculture to Ecopath models
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Ulman, Aylin
Thesis: The impact of fishing on the marine ecosystem of the eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea ecosystems, with emphasis on Turkey
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Urcelay, Alejandra
Program: RES
Supervisor: Simon Donner
Valls, Audrey
Thesis: Using ecosystem models to provide better predictions of global changes in marine biodiversity through the 21st Century Supervisor: Villy Christensen
Vaidyanathan, Tanvi
Program: PhD, Zoology
Thesis: Implications of trawl fisheries on bycatch species and their habitats
Supervisor: Amanda Vincent
Valtysson, Hreidar
Thesis: An assessment of Icelandic flatfish stocks
Supervisor: Carl Walters
van der Meer, Liesbeth
Thesis: Global Revenues from Wild Seafood Products
Supervisor: Rashid Sumaila
van Poorten, Brett
Thesis: Effects of Interspecific Competition on Recruitment Processes in Rainbow Trout and Pygmy Pikeminnow
Supervisor: Carl Walters
Varkey, Divya
Thesis: Ecosystem Modelling of Coral Reefs in Raja Ampat
Supervisor: Tony Pitcher
Vasconcellos, Marcelo
Thesis: Brazil Ecosystem Impacts of fishing forage fishes: An Analysis of Harvest Strategies for the Brazilian Sardine
Supervisor: Tony Pitcher
Venier, Judson
Thesis: Seasonal ecosystem models of the Looe Key National Marine Sanctuary, Florida
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Vidal, Laura
Thesis: Exploring the Gulf of Mexico as a Large Marine Ecosystem through a stratified spatial model
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Wabnitz, Colette
Thesis: The ecological role of green sea turtles and the mapping of their foraging grounds in the Wider Caribbean region
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Wagey, Tonny
Supervisor: Michael Healey
Wallace, S. Scott
Thesis: Fisheries Impacts on Marine Ecosystems and Biological Diversity: The Role for Marine Protected Areas in British Columbia
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Walrut, Bern
Thesis: Sea Ranching And Aspects Of The Common Law: A Proposal For A Legislative Framework
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Warren, Melanie
Thesis: Urea (ka)! The role of urea and oxygen in the relationship between length at first maturity and maximum length in ureotelic and non-ureotelic cartilaginous fishes
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Watkinson, Stephen
Thesis: Salmon carcasses: Nature's nitrogen pill
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Weatherdon, Lauren
Thesis: Scenarios for coastal First Nations' fisheries under climate change: impacts, resilience and adaptation potential
Supervisors: William Cheung, Yoshitaka Ota
Wilkinson, Chad
Thesis: Investigating bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout in the Elk River in Southeast BC, using quantitative models for effective management
Supervisor: Steve Martell
Williams, Rob
Thesis: Behavioural responses of killer whales to whale-watching: opportunistic observations and experimental approaches
Supervisor: Andrew Trites
Winship, Arliss
Thesis: Growth and bioenergetic models for Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) in Alaska
Supervisor: Andrew Trites
Witter, Allison
Program: PhD, RMES
Thesis: Boat to fork: Seafood value chains and alternative food networks
Supervisor: Rashid Sumaila
Wong, Joanna
Program: MSc, OCF
Thesis: Understanding Arctic tern migration strategies to inform conservation
Supervisor(s): Marie Auger-Méthé, Mark Mallory (Acadia U)
Wood, Louisa
Thesis: A global analysis of marine protected areas
Supervisor: Daniel Pauly
Woodruff, Patricia
Program: PhD, Zoology
Thesis: Evaluating ecosystem trade-offs in highly managed systems
Supervisor: Villy Christensen
Wor Lima, Catarina
Thesis: Management strategies for migratory and transboundary fish stocks
Supervisors: Murdoch McAllister, Steve Martell
Young Volpov, Beth
Thesis: The ability of heart rate to predict metabolism in Steller sea lions (Eumatopias jubatus)
Supervisors: Andrew Trites, David Rosen
Yurk, Harald
Thesis: The evolutionary history of resident killer whale clans in the northeastern Pacific using vocal dialects
Supervisor: Andrew Trites
Zahner, Vanessa
Program: MSc, EOAS
Thesis: Strategies for coexisting: Juvenile pink and chum salmon diets and interactions in a challenging section of coastal migration
Supervisor(s): Evgeny Pakhomov, Brian Hunt
Zhang, Xiong
Program: PhD, Zoology
Thesis: Conservation Prioritization and Ecology of Rare and Threatened Marine Fishes under Human Pressures
Supervisor: Amanda Vincent