Using environmental DNA to map biodiversity across Canada’s three oceans
The ability to detect the distribution of not only widespread, but also rare and endangered, species using eDNA allows researchers to identify critical habitats and biodiverse areas requiring protection.
What could be impacting the food source of Southern Resident killer whales?
There are currently 74 Southern Resident killer whales, and this population is listed as endangered in both Canada and the U.S. The species relies on Pacific salmon (Chinook and coho) for food, however these salmon populations have been decreasing for decades.
Entanglements of humpback whales in fish farms rare – and naivety could be to blame
Researchers at UBC’s Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries conducted the first study of humpback whale entanglements in B.C. aquaculture facilities.
Illustrated catalogue with local artwork showcases the Transient Killer Whales of Central and Northern California and Oregon – the ‘wolves of the sea’
Science is not just for scientists. Citizen science has been instrumental in helping us understand more about the elusive, but majestic, transient killer whales.
Food quality matters for southern resident killer whales, UBC study states
If southern resident killer whales ate just low-lipid salmon, they would have to eat around 80,000 more Chinook salmon every year than if they just ate high-lipid salmon.
Southern resident killer whales not getting enough to eat since 2018
The animals have been in an energy deficit, averaged across spring, summer and fall, for six of the last 40 years.
New sea garden story map showcases Indigenous mariculture practices across the Pacific
The living map synthesizes information about ancestral mariculture across the Pacific Ocean and describes the work that a number of communities are undertaking to reawaken diverse sea gardens.
UBC scientists sail the high seas for salmon
The third International Year of the Salmon Pan-Pacific Winter High Seas Expedition will continue to answer questions about a crucial salmon life stage that is poorly understood
No apparent shortage of prey for southern resident killer whales in Canadian waters during summer
Researchers reported that Chinook salmon in the Salish Sea in summertime are four to six times more abundant for southern resident killer whales than northern resident killer whales.
‘Sticky questions’ raised by study on coral reefs
Study found coral in more polluted and high traffic water handled extreme heat events better than a more remote, untouched reef.