Ecosystem Modelling with EwE – new textbook
This book will be used for future FISH 501 courses, and for the IOF ecosystem modelling micro certificate course.
Villy Christensen named Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
Dr. Christensen, a professor at the UBC Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries, is the principal architect behind the Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) modelling approach and software.
Southern resident killer whales not getting enough to eat since 2018
The animals have been in an energy deficit, averaged across spring, summer and fall, for six of the last 40 years.
New FCRRs: Historical Ecology in Burrard Inlet and Reconstructing the pre-contact shoreline of Burrard Inlet
These two new Fisheries Centre Research Reports will help us understand the overpowering changes that colonial settlement and development has had on the marine ecosystems surrounding the Lower Mainland area of British Columbia.
Massive “ensemble” climate modelling study includes work of multiple IOF researchers
The project used nine different computer models, created by different teams around the world, to illustrate with greater clarity and range how ocean life will be impacted by Earth’s warming climate.
Countries likely missing out on revenue from catch share fisheries
Despite harvesting an estimated global value of US$17.7 billion worth of fish, many catch share fisheries may be paying little or no royalties on their harvests, with countries likely foregoing this potential source of revenue.
Villy Christensen named Fellow of the American Fisheries Society (AFS)
Fellows are members who have made outstanding or meritorious contributions to the diversity of fields that are included in the American Fisheries Society.
PROFILE: Finding novel ways to use modelling to solve oceans, fisheries and social problems
GOM took advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic, moving online, and connecting with researchers from 29 countries.
With a background in archaeology, Efford been able to put her unique skillset to use working with the Tsleil-Waututh Nation to create a model of the Burrard Inlet’s pre-colonial contact aquatic ecosystems.
Villy Christensen receives AFS Award of Excellence
Dr. Christensen is the principal architect behind Ecopath, and the project leader and core developer of the expanded ecosystem modelling system Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE).