
Vanessa Fladmark and Melanie Ang are the recipients of the IOF Student Society Travel Grant 2018 – Summer.

Students visited the Greig Salmon Farm and the BC Centre for Aquatic Health Sciences to better understand salmon farming.

Data sent from penguins to space and back to UBC could help researchers determine why the species’ breeding population fluctuates so dramatically.

Trites has been studying marine mammals (primarily Steller sea lions, harbour seals, northern fur seals, and killer whales), in the North Pacific for over 30 years.

As much as 54% of the high seas fishing industry would be unprofitable at its current scale without large government subsidies.

Bennett is a postdoctoral fellow with the OceanCanada partnership and won this award for advancing the role of social science on conservation policy

A single company has registered half of all existing patents associated with genes from marine species.

Research suggests that bottom trawling generates the most waste of any fishing method because the unwanted catch is dumped back into the ocean.

The goal is to provide a quick, reliable tool that can be used to evaluate the physiological status of Steller sea lions and other pinnipeds in the field.