New assessment method reveals many fish stocks are in urgent need of sustainable management
The new method revealed that several fish stocks across oceans are far below internationally agreed minimum levels and in urgent need of sustainable management.
FCRR – The catch and trade of seahorses in the Philippines post-CITES
This Fisheries Centre Research Report was produced by Project Seahorse and the Zoological Society of London-Philippines, and carried out in collaboration with the Philippines Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
Colette Wabnitz is co-Guest Editor of Marine Policy Special Issue on Ocean Finance
She, with Robert Blasiak (Stockholm Resilience Centre), are guest editors of the issue, and also wrote about how funding for ocean conservation and sustainable fisheries is rapidly changing and evolving beyond official traditional assistance (ODA) and philanthropy.
Status, Trends, and the Future of Fisheries in the East and South China Seas
Fisheries Centre Research Report (FCRR 27-1) is now available
Marine and Freshwater Miscellanea – FCRR 26(2)
New Fisheries Centre Research Report comprises of contributions covering a variety of fish and fishery related topics.
Seahorse exploitation and trade in Viet Nam
This newly released Fisheries Centre Research Report looks at the difficulties that Viet Nam experienced as they tried to implement CITES required export controls for seahorses.
For Canada’s 150th anniversary, fisheries scientists want concrete action
In an essay in the new book, REFLECTIONS OF CANADA, fisheries scientists Daniel Pauly, Rashid Sumaila and William Cheung mark a roadmap of what can be done to rebuild Canada’s fish stocks.
Belated contributions on the biology of fish, fisheries and features of their ecosystems
This Fisheries Centre Research Report contains mainly contributions initially written several years or even decades ago, but not formally published.
Global marine fisheries catches declining by 1.2 million metric tons every year
The Global Atlas of Marine Fisheries, released by IOF’s Sea Around Us project, looks at global catches, country-by-country, and explores the consequences of this decline, food security, and the steps that can be taken to ease the situation.