Visiting fellows selected for inaugural cohort of Africa-UBC Oceans and Fisheries Program
The Program is extremely pleased to announce the selection of its inaugural laureates: Dr. Cynthia A. Adinortey (Ghana) and Dr. Antony Otinga Oteng’o (Kenya).
Are you a Sub-Saharan African early career researcher?
Apply for the Africa-UBC Oceans and Fisheries Visiting Fellows Program. Deadline: May 15, 2024
IOF launches the Africa-UBC Oceans and Fisheries Visiting Fellows Program
This program is aimed at engaging exceptional young African researchers to build international networks that can develop ocean and freshwater sustainability solutions. DEADLINE: May 15, 2024
From convenience to crisis: The single-use water sachet dilemma in Africa
In some African countries, the rate of single-use plastic waste is increasing. Article from the Solving FCB unit.
FCRR – Assessments of marine fisheries resources in West Africa with emphasis on small pelagics
From a training course entitled “Utilisation de la méthode CMSY pour l’évaluation des stocks ouest-africains” held in September 23-27 2019 in Dakar, Senegal.