Camping out
photo © Ravi Maharaj
Climate change fuels accumulation of pollutants in Chinook salmon, killer whales
Southern resident killer whales that exist along the Pacific Northeast Coast eat Chinook salmon, and these two predators are impacted by increased pollutant bioaccumulation driven by climate change
IOF students visit fish farm
Students visited the Greig Salmon Farm and the BC Centre for Aquatic Health Sciences to better understand salmon farming.
Samantha James wins at PEEC
Samantha James won ‘Best 3 Minute Talk’ at 2018 Pacific Ecology and Evolution Conference (PEEC).
DFO announces funding for research on Southern Resident Killer Whales
Andrew Trites and Brian Hunt are co-PIs on the project to examine how changes in the food web affect the abundance and quality of Chinook salmon in critical habitat areas of the Southern Resident Killer Whale
Juvenile Salmon Survival Program gains funding from MITACS and the Tula Foundation
“Salmon are one of the most culturally, ecologically, and economically important fish in British Columbia, however, their stocks have been declining,” said Program leader, Dr. Brian Hunt