“Whale breath” reveals bacteria threatening endangered killer whales
Bacteria including salmonella and fungi such as penicillium were found in the whales.
HERRING PEOPLE: An Arts-Based Initiative
This event combined art and science to raise awareness of Pacific herring’s role in BC marine ecosystems, aboriginal communities, and commercial fisheries.
Fish evolve by playing it safe
New research supports the creation of more marine reserves in the world’s oceans because fish can evolve to be more cautious and stay away from fishing nets.
Climate change could increase fishing fuel consumption
Postdoctoral and Nereus Program fellow, Vick Lam, discusses how fuel use both contributes to climate change, and in a vicious circle, climate change could also increase fuel use in fishing.
Student Profile: Mad(eline) about sharks
MSc candidate Madeline Cashion hopes her research on shark fishing in the Mediterranean and Black Seas could eventually help us understand the global catch of this species.
Frontiers of Knowledge Awards (BBVA Foundation)
To recognize and encourage world-class research that successfully enlarges the scope of our current knowledge – pushing forward the frontiers of the known world. Deadline: June 30
Prix d’Excellence (ICES)
Offered every 3rd year, it is the highest level of achievement in marine sciences and important contributions to ICES vision. Deadline: May 1
Award for Public Engagement with Science (AAAS)
Recognizes scientists and engineers who make outstanding contributions to the “popularization of science.” Deadline: June 30, 2020
President’s Fishery Conservation Award, (AFS)
Given annually, by the American Fisheries Society, to an individual or organization for a singular accomplishment or long-term contributions that advance aquatic resource conservation at a regional or local level. Deadline: April 1, 2025
William E. Ricker Resource Conservation Award (AFS)
Given annually, if warranted, by the American Fisheries Society, to an individual or organization for a singular accomplishment or long-term contributions that advance aquatic resource conservation at a national or international level. Deadline: April 1, 2025