Archives by date

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Frontiers of Knowledge Awards (BBVA Foundation)

To recognize and encourage world-class research that successfully enlarges the scope of our current knowledge – pushing forward the frontiers of the known world. Deadline: June 30

Prix d’Excellence (ICES)

Offered every 3rd year, it is the highest level of achievement in marine sciences and important contributions to ICES vision. Deadline: May 1

Award for Public Engagement with Science (AAAS)

Recognizes scientists and engineers who make outstanding contributions to the “popularization of science.” Deadline: June 30, 2020

President’s Fishery Conservation Award, (AFS)

Given annually, by the American Fisheries Society, to an individual or organization for a singular accomplishment or long-term contributions that advance aquatic resource conservation at a regional or local level. Deadline: April 1, 2025

William E. Ricker Resource Conservation Award (AFS)

Given annually, if warranted, by the American Fisheries Society, to an individual or organization for a singular accomplishment or long-term contributions that advance aquatic resource conservation at a national or international level. Deadline: April 1, 2025