Prix d’Excellence (ICES)

​​The ​​​​​​​​​​Prix d’Excellence recognizes the highest level of achievement in marine sciences and important contributions to ICES vision.

Like the community ICES envisions, this award is broader than ICES. Contributions within the ICES region and throughout the world are recognized. Candidates for this award need not have had an association with ICES, although their work and achievements will be relevant. They will have contributed to the sustained use and conservation of marine ecosystems through their research, scientific leadership and/or leadership in the objective application of science to policy. Innovation, teamwork, mentoring, and objective communication with the public exemplify the career of the recipient of this award.

The Prix d’Excellence is presented every third year at the ICES Annual Science Conference (ASC). Travel expenses to the ASC to receive the award will be paid from revenue from the conference registration fee, and the recipient’s registration fee will be waived in the future.

Nomination package:

  • Initially, nominations simply require a name and a few sentences about the nominee. The Awards Committee may then request additional supporting materials to assist the decision-making process.

Deadline: usually May 1

More information

Nomination form

Past IOF winners

Dr. William Cheung (2017)
Dr. Carl Walters (2014)