Small in size, but mighty in impact
Salps are fascinating organisms that have a huge impact on the planet’s ability to manage climate change.
Hakai Coastal Initiative’s Marine Food Webs Working Group
This collaborative research unit aims to understand how marine food webs operate, with a particular focus on British Columbia’s coastal ocean.
Cigarettes account for half of waste recovered on Vancouver and Victoria shorelines
UBC researchers analysed data from 1,226 voluntary cleanups organized by the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup (GCSC).
IOF students visit fish farm
Students visited the Greig Salmon Farm and the BC Centre for Aquatic Health Sciences to better understand salmon farming.
As penguins dive, their location data takes flight
Data sent from penguins to space and back to UBC could help researchers determine why the species’ breeding population fluctuates so dramatically.
Sailing the Southern Ocean – for science
IOF postdoctoral fellows and researchers, Boris Espinasse, Natasha Henschke, and Marina Espinasse focused on the cycling and diversity-function of zooplankton and metazoans
UBC researchers use drones to track jellyfish blooms
Jellyfish blooms are becoming more widespread and scientists ate looking for ways to better understand them.
Bowhead whales come to Cumberland Sound in Nunavut to exfoliate
“Cumberland Sound serves as a habitat for feeding and moulting,” said Sarah Fortune, a PhD student at UBC’s Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries.
There’s something in the water
Research team collected water samples along Canada’s coasts to examine for trace amounts of DNA shed by organisms into the surrounding environment.
Researchers investigate the ‘whole enchilada’ in Tasman Sea
The research voyage focused on establishing the relationship between open ocean production and coastal fisheries off southeastern Australia.