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FISH 699 – Ph.D. Dissertation

PhD dissertation

FISH 699 Credits: 0

Ph.D. candidates would normally register in section 100 (Term 1 & 2).

If you plan to complete your degree during Term 1, register in section 101 (Term 1). You will still have the option of registering in section 102 for Term 2 should it take longer than anticipated.

Terms (3)

Section Activity Term Days Times Instructors
100 Thesis 1-2
101 Thesis 1
102 Thesis 2

FISH 549B – M.Sc. Thesis

Masters of Science thesis – 18 credit program

FISH 549B Credits: 18

If you are in the 12-credit thesis program, please sign up for FISH 549A.
If you are in the 18-credit thesis program, please sign up for FISH 549B.

M.Sc. candidates would normally register in section 100 (Term 1 & 2).

If you plan to complete your degree during Term 1, register in section 101 (Term 1). You will still have the option of registering in section 102 for Term 2 should it take longer than anticipated.

Terms (3)

Section Activity Term Days Times Instructors
100 Thesis 1-2
101 Thesis 1
102 Thesis 2

FISH 549A – M.Sc. Thesis

Masters of Science thesis – 12 credit program

FISH 549A Credits: 12

If you are in the 12-credit thesis program, please sign up for FISH 549A.
If you are in the 18-credit thesis program, please sign up for FISH 549B.

M.Sc. candidates would normally register in section 100 (Term 1 & 2).

If you plan to complete your degree during Term 1, register in section 101 (Term 1). You will still have the option of registering in section 102 for Term 2 should it take longer than anticipated.

Terms (3)

Section Activity Term Days Times Instructors
100 Thesis 1-2
101 Thesis 1
102 Thesis 2

FISH 548 – Directed Studies

Directed Studies in Oceans and Fisheries

FISH 548 Credits: 1-3

This directed studies course is offered mainly to Graduate Students in the Oceans and Fisheries (OCF) Masters and PhD programs. If a graduate student would like to have specialized instruction in a particular topic that is not offered in the UBC calendars, then the graduate student could make a request to their supervisor or some other IOF Faculty member for a FISH 548 directed studies course to be proposed and designed on the desired topic. The course could be library-based, lab-based or fieldwork-based. The instructor would need to provide a proposed course syllabus to one of the IOF graduate advisors for their approval at least one month prior to the term’s start date. The minimum credit is 1 to allow for a topic that could be covered in about two hours of directed study time per week. The maximum is set at 3 to place a reasonable maximum limit on the expected directed study time per week and credit hours attainable from a directed studies.

Any Faculty Member in the IOF could propose and offer FISH 548.

Term (0)

FISH 520

Fisheries Conservation, Governance and Evaluation

FISH 520 Credits: 6

This core OCF graduate course focuses on surveying the literature and conceptual foundations for the ecology, economics, governance, and management of fisheries, common methods of analysis, and developing students’ interdisciplinary problem-solving skills. Particular emphasis is given to reviewing the evolution of aboriginal fisheries, conservation initiatives, fisheries ecosystem models, fisheries economics theory, methods and applications, fisheries stock assessment, human dimensions of conservation, governance, and management of fisheries. This course will provide students with a shared interdisciplinary understanding of the various components that contribute to fisheries conservation, governance and evaluation and skills essential to carrying out some of the most generic types of fisheries data and modeling analyses.

Term (1)