Global climate target could net additional six million tons of fish annually
The researchers found that some oceans are more sensitive to changes in temperature, and will have substantially larger gains from achieving the Paris Agreement.
Rashid Sumaila named a Hokkaido University Ambassador
Dr. Sumaila has an international reputation as a scholar specializing in bioeconomics, marine ecosystem valuation and the analysis of global issues such as fisheries subsidies, IUU (illegal, unreported and unregulated) fishing, and the economics of high and deep seas fisheries.
Japan Prize
Each year two fields of scientific endeavour are honoured Deadline: end of February, annually
Seafood consumption 15 times higher among Indigenous than non-Indigenous people
In the first global-scale analysis of its kind, the study estimated that coastal Indigenous people consume 74 kilograms of seafood per capita, compared to the global average of 19 kilograms.