Can aquaculture help tackle global food security?
With an average growth rate of about 8.8%, aquaculture has proven to be the fastest growing agro-food sector in the world, however the industry has a bad image.
EWR Steacie Prize for Natural Sciences
For a scientist or engineer of 40 years of age or less for outstanding scientific research carried out in Canada. UBC Deadline: March 28, 2018
L’Oréal/UNESCO Women in Science – Canada National Fellowship
For female PhD students and Post-Docs in Canada. Deadline: March 22, 2020
International Recognition of Professional Excellence Prize
Honors a young ecologist (not older than 40 years) who has published uniquely independent, original and/or challenging research.
ECI Prize
Awarded to an ecologist distinguished by outstanding and sustained scientific achievements.
Fulbright Visiting Research Chairs
For exceptional scholars and/or experienced professionals who wish to conduct research and/or lecture in the United States. Deadline: November 15, 2021
Fulbright Traditional Scholar
For Canadian scholars in all fields, to enable emerging and established scholars, post-doctoral researchers and experienced professionals to conduct research and/or teach at any university or research center in the United States. Deadline: November 15, 2021
Fulbright Arctic Initiative
Early or mid-career academics, applied researchers and/or professionals with research experience in the public, non-profit, or private sector Deadline: February
Timothy R. Parsons Medal (DFO Canada)
Awarded for distinguished accomplishments in multidisciplinary facets of ocean sciences while working for Canadian Institutions or for the benefit of Canadian science. Deadline: April 15, 2025
A.G. Huntsman Award (Royal Society of Canada)
To recognize excellence of research and outstanding contributions to marine sciences by marine scientists near the midpoint of their careers. LOI Deadline: 31 March 2020