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Core Faculty

Marie Auger-Méthé

Associate Professor

Canada Research Chair (Tier II, Statistical Ecology)


Office phone: 604-822-1658

Dr. Auger-Méthé’s work is interdisciplinary in nature and at the intersection between ecology, statistics, and marine sciences. Her recent focus has been on developing and applying statistical models to understand the movement and space use of marine species. Read More

Research Area

Ecology, movement, statistics, Arctic, marine mammals, seabirds

William Cheung

Director and Professor

Canada Research Chair (Tier II, Ocean Sustainability and Global Change)


Office phone: 604-827-3756

Dr. William Cheung is Professor and Director of UBC's Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries. His work addresses policy-relevant research questions, cut across multiple disciplines, from oceanography to ecology, economics and social sciences, and range from local to global scales Read More

Research Area

Nexus of food-climate-biodiversity in the ocean, pathways to sustainable ocean futures

Villy Christensen



Office phone: 604-822-5751

Dr Christensen is a professor specialising in ecosystem modelling - in particular data-driven ecosystem model construction. He is known for his work as a leader and developer of Ecopath, an open source ecosystem modelling software system widely used for ecosystem based management and increasingly for environmental impact assessment Read More

Simon Donner



Office phone: 604-822-6959

Dr. Donner is a climate scientist whose work lies at the intersection of climate science, marine science, and policy. He was a lead author on the most recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change assessment and serves as a member of Canada’s Net-Zero Advisory Body, which advises the federal government on pathways to net-zero emissions. Read More

Research Area

climate science; marine heat waves; coral reefs; sea-level rise; El Nino; equatorial Pacific; Small Island Developing States; climate change adaptation; kelp systems; numerical modelling

Christopher Harley



Office phone: 604-827-3431

Dr. Harley studies patterns and processes in intertidal and nearshore ecosystems. He and his students are interested in how the environment (temperature, salinity, ocean acidification) and interactions among species (predation, competition, facilitation) interact to determine community structure. Ongoing work incorporates tipping points associated with environmental extremes, such as heatwaves, and changes in community composition, including species introductions and biodiversity loss... Read More

Research Area

community ecology, marine invertebrates, algae, species interactions, climate change, global warming, ocean acidification, multiple stressors, environmental variability

Brian Hunt

Associate Professor

On leave: January 2025-6


Dr Hunt is an ecosystem oceanographer who researches the structure and function of pelagic marine ecosystems and their response to climate forcing and anthropogenic impacts. Read More

Murdoch McAllister

Associate Professor

On leave: September 2024-2025


Office phone: 604-822-3693

Dr. McAllister's research focuses on developing decision support tools for fisheries management including the development of data-intensive modeling approaches for fisheries stock assessment and management strategy evaluation. Teaching focuses on providing instruction and training in interdisciplinary and quantitative approaches to fisheries policy analysis... Read More

Evgeny Pakhomov



Office phone: 604-827-5564

Dr. Pakhomov is a biological oceanographer focusing on species ecology ranging from zooplankton to fish, incorporating ecosystem structure, physical-biological and biochemical coupling. More recently he has dabbled in stable isotope ecology as well as the variability and responses of marine ecosystems to climate change.

Daniel Pauly

University Killam Professor


Office phone: 604-822-1201

Dr. Daniel Pauly is an exceptional scholar whose work has fundamentally impacted the fields of fisheries science, and biodiversity research. His creation of extensive approaches, knowledge infrastructures, and tools, are used extensively by scientists and experts in fisheries and aquatic biodiversity around the world. Read More

Andrea Reid

Assistant Professor

Canada Research Chair (Tier II, Indigenous Fisheries Science)


Dr. Reid is a proud citizen and member of the sovereign Nisg̱a’a Nation, and she is the Principal Investigator of the Centre for Indigenous Fisheries. Her collaborative and collective research and teaching program focuses on culturally-significant fish and fisheries, such as Pacific salmon (‘hoon’ in Nisg̱a’a; Oncorhynchus spp.), centring Indigenous ways of knowing, being, doing, and connecting... Read More

Research Area

Indigenous fisheries; fisheries science; Indigenous rights; community-based research; Indigenous knowledge systems; fish ecology; freshwater systems; Indigenous research methodologies; land-based learning

David Rosen

Assistant Professor

IOF Graduate Advisor


Office phone: 604-822-8184

Dr. Rosen's current research primarily investigates the bioenergetics (energy requirements and expenditures) of marine mammals. Its focus is to understand the root causes of population changes by investigating the interactions between the physiology of individual animals and biotic and abiotic environmental changes. Read More

Rashid Sumaila

University Killam Professor

Canada Research Chair (Tier I, Interdisciplinary Ocean and Fisheries Economics)


Office phone: 604-822-0224

Rashid Sumaila's research focuses on bioeconomics, marine ecosystem valuation and the analysis of global issues such as fisheries subsidies, marine protected areas, illegal fishing, climate change, marine plastic pollution, and oil spills. Read More

Research Area

ocean, fisheries, economics, bioeconomic modeling, subsidies, high seas, valuation, infinity fish, climate change, discounting

Curtis Suttle

Distinguished University Professor


Office phone: 604-822-8610

Dr Suttle is primarily focussed on viruses and their role in the environment. His current work examines viruses and their roles in the oceans, high Arctic, deep mines, aeolian dust, lakes, and migratory-bird ponds. Read More

Research Area

microbial diversity, marine microbiology, biological oceanography, marine viruses, virus diversity, zooplankton, phytoplankton, bacterioplankton, virioplankton

Andrew Trites



Office phone: 604-822-8182

Dr Trites oversees the Marine Mammal Research Unit and a research program that involves captive and field studies of seals, sea lions, whales and dolphins. Read More

Amanda Vincent



Office phone: 604-827-5137

Dr. Amanda Vincent is driven by a determination to protect our oceans. As well as tackling research on pressing problems, Dr. Vincent also mobilizes conservation action to improve the status of marine species and habitats. Read More


Dianne Newell

Professor Emerita


Office phone: 604-822-9890

Dr. Newell is a historian of technology and society who has spent her career examining the diffusion of knowledge in disciplines across the social sciences and humanities. Appointed Professor Emerita in 2014. She is the Interim Director of the IOF’s Centre for Indigenous Fisheries. Read More

Research Area

Indigenous fisheries of BC, fishing and fish processing history, interdisciplinary research; small-scale fisheries, marine coastal fisheries; women & fisheries, industrial archaeology; Canadian Northwest Coast Indigenous fisheries case law; Pacific salmon canning industry. white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) fisheries

Tony Pitcher

Professor Emeritus

Dr. Pitcher’s research addressed the impacts of fishing on aquatic ecosystems, the development of quantitative, multi-criteria evaluation frameworks and rapid appraisal techniques for evidence-based assessment of fisheries, management instruments and management goals, and a predictive understanding of how fish shoaling behaviour impacts fisheries.

Carl Walters

Professor Emeritus


Office phone: 604-822-6320

Dr Walters’ areas of research include the development of rapid techniques for teaching systems analysis and mathematical modeling to biologists and resource managers. His primary foci are fish population dynamics, fisheries assessment and sustainable management.


George Rose

Professor and Fisheries Conservation Chair


Dr. Rose's research focuses on the history, ecology and management of fisheries. Being a Newfoundlander, his main area of study has been the Northwest Atlantic cod stocks, their spatial ecology and historic productivity. He has a particular interest in survey methods, especially those involving acoustic technology.

Jordan Rosenfeld

Aquatic Scientist, Applied Freshwater Research Unit, BC Ministry of Environment


Office phone: 604-827-5137

Research Area


Kai Chan

Professor, Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability

Kai Chan is a professor at the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability at the University of British Columbia, and Canada Research Chair Tier 1 in Re-Wilding and Social-Ecological Transformation. Kai is an interdisciplinary, problem-oriented sustainability scientist, trained in ecology, policy, and ethics. He strives to understand how social-ecological systems can be transformed to be both better and wilder.

Philippe Le Billon

Professor, Department of Geography and School of Public Policy and Global Affairs

Philippe Le Billon is a Professor at the Department of Geography and the School for Public Policy and Global Affairs at UBC, who works at the nexus of environment, development, and security. Most of his work engage with resource governance and conflicts around natural resources. His current projects are on the blue economy, green transition, and environmental defenders.

Charles Menzies

Professor, Department of Anthropology

Professor hagwil hayetsk’s (Charles Menzies) primary research interests are the production of anthropological films, natural resource management (primarily fisheries related), political economy, contemporary First Nations’ issues, maritime anthropology and the archaeology of north coast BC. He has conducted field research in, and has produced films concerning, north coastal BC, Canada (including archaeological research); Brittany, France; and Donegal, Ireland. Hagwil hayetsk is a member of Gitxaała Nation on BC’s north coast and an enrolled member of the Tlingit and Haida Tribes of Alaska.

Camilla Speller

Associate Professor

Dr. Speller's major research focus is ‘Molecular Environmental Archaeology’ – the application of biomolecular techniques to a broad range of environmental issues and human-environment interactions in the past and in the present. Currently, she is working on three areas: Marine Ecosystems; Human-Animal Interactions; and Ancient Microbiomes.


Megan Bailey

Affiliate Associate Professor, Dalhousie University


Research Area

Andrés Cisneros-Montemayor

Assistant Professor, Simon Fraser University

Research Area

Claudia J. Hernández-Camacho

Affiliate Professor, Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas-IPN: La Paz, Baja California Sur, MX

Research Area

Mimi Lam

Affiliate Assistant Professor, Bergen University


Research Area

Jessica Meeuwig

Professor, Marine Futures Lab, University of Western Australia


Research Area

Evelyn Pinkerton (RIP)


Gerald Singh

Affiliate Professor, Memorial University


Research Area

Dirk Zeller

Affiliate Professor; Sea Around Us, University of Western Australia


Research Area


Jacquline Alder

Adjunct Professor, FAO

Research Area

Nathan Bennett

Adjunct Professor

Research Area

Tom Carruthers

Adjunct Professor, Blue Matter Science Ltd.

Research Area

Ilyass Dahmouni

Adjunct Professor, Fisheries Economics Research Unit

Climate change issues and their impacts on the ocean and resource sustainability.

Robyn Forrest

Adjunct Professor; Fisheries & Oceans Canada

Research Area

Alyssa Gehman

Adjunct Professor, Hakai Institute

I am a marine disease ecologist at the Hakai Institute, an adjunct professor in the UBC Institute of Oceans and Fisheries and a member of the Biodiversity Research Centre. I am particularly interested in the interactions between infected hosts and their communities, as well as the impact of temperature on host-parasite interactions.

Martin Haulena

Adjunct Professor, Vancouver Aquarium

Research Area

Marine mammals, necroscopy

Douglas E. Hay

Adjunct Professor, Pacific Biological Station (Scientist Emeritus)

Research Area

Margot Hessing-Lewis

Adjunct Professor, Hakai Institute

Research Area

ecological dynamics, changing coastal environments, seagrass, kelp

Colleen Kellogg

Adjunct Professor, Hakai Institute

Research Area

Josh Korman

Adjunct Professor; Ecometric Research

Research Area

Steve McAdam

Adjunct Professor; BC Ministry of Environment

Research Area

Fraser McDonald

Adjunct Professor

Research Area

Jesse Morin

Adjunct Professor; practicing archeologist


Research Area

Archeology, lithic analysis, Coast Salish peoples, stone tools

Eric Parkinson

Adjunct Professor; BC Ministry of Environment

Research Area

Isobel Pearsall

Adjunct Professor; Strait of Georgia Data Centre

Research Area

R. Ian Perry

Adjunct Professor; Fisheries & Oceans Canada

Research Area

Stephen Raverty

Adjunct Professor, BC Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, Animal Health Centre

Research Area

Laura Richards

Adjunct Professor; Fisheries & Oceans Canada (Scientist Emerita)

Research Area

Eric Wickham

Adjunct Professor


Research Area


Ḵii’iljuus Barbara Wilson

Adjunct Professor, Centre for Indigenous Fisheries

Haida Matriarch


Research Area

Indigenous fisheries

Research Associates

Lubna Alam

Research Associate; Fisheries Economics Research Unit


Dr. Lubna Alam is a dedicated interdisciplinary ocean and fisheries scientist, deeply committed to the health of our oceans and the sustainability of global fisheries. Her academic journey and research contributions reflect her passion for protecting marine resources while addressing critical challenges such as deep-sea mining, pollution, seafood safety, climate change, and vulnerability.

Miguel Correia

Research Associate


Dr. Correia has studied several aspects of European seahorse biology, ecology and conservation. He has worked closely with stakeholders to implement mitigation tools for seahorse conservation and was actively involved in the creation of new marine protected areas (MPAs). He also acts as Focal Point for Europe in the IUCN Seahorse, Pipefish and Seadragon Specialist Group. Read More

Sarah Foster

Program Leader


Office phone: 604-827-5139

Dr. Foster is a conservation scientist dedicated to finding pragmatic solutions for the many problems facing the oceans and the animals that call them home – solutions that work for both fish and the people that depend on them. She is the Program Lead for Project Seahorse. Read More

Vicky Lam

Research Associate, Sea Around Us


Dr. Vicky Wing Yee Lam is a fisheries economist and Research Associate at the Sea Around Us, University of British Columbia. Her research focuses on the economic impacts of climate change on global fisheries, with expertise in fisheries data reconstruction, spatial analysis, and sustainable marine conservation. Read More

Anna McLaskey

Research Associate; Pelagic Ecosystems Lab


Dr. McLaskey is a zooplankton ecologist and biological oceanographer who researches the lower trophic levels of marine food webs — from phytoplankton, through zooplankton, to fish. Much of their work focuses on how nutritional quality intersects with food web structure, and how that can impact higher trophic levels.

Carol Meirelles

Research Associate, MMRU


Dr. Meirelles is a conservation biologist focusing on manatee and dolphin spatial ecology, behaviour, extinction risk assessment, and conservation planning. She was actively involved in the elaboration and monitoring of conservation plans in Brazil and is a member of the IUCN Sirenia Specialist Group. Read More

Dr. Mordecai’s research explores the diversity of viruses which infect Pacific salmon, and applies genetic sequencing to study their transmission dynamics. He is part of a collaboration with Dr Kristi Miller (Fisheries & Oceans Canada) and the Pacific Salmon Foundation’s Salmon Health Program, which researches the combined impacts of disease and environmental stress. Read More

Research Area

Pacific salmon, viruses, viral ecology, conservation biology, genomics, molecular epidemiology

Maria Lourdes 'Deng' Palomares

Senior Scientist and Project Manager


Office phone: 604-822-0218

Dr. Palomares has been the Sea Around Us' Project Manager since June 2017. Her research focus has been on the application of well-known theories in fish and fisheries biology as tools to test hypotheses and/or generate knowledge from ‘big data’ repositories. Read More

Louise Teh

Research Associate


Office phone: 604-827-5137

Dr. Louise Teh's research focuses on how interactions between humans and marine ecosystems impact fisheries sustainability. She has a particular interest is in small-scale fisheries of developing countries, and has been involved in marine conservation projects on valuing marine turtle conservation, marine protected area management, and climate change adaptation. Read More

Lydia Teh

Research Associate


Office phone: 604-822-1636

Dr Lydia Teh’s research examines the social, economic, and ecological dynamics of marine fisheries, with a special focus on small-scale fisheries. Her inter-disciplinary research cuts across fields from human ecology to biodiversity conservation, and has taken her to work with fishing communities in Sabah, Malaysia and Fiji.... Read More

Colette Wabnitz

Research Associate


Dr. Wabnitz is a marine scientist interested in understanding the functioning of ecosystems, how these may respond to human pressures and natural forcing, and the design - together with government, industry, NGOs and local communities - of appropriate measures for the sustainable use of their resources and the long term conservation of their services. Read More

Honorary Research Associates

Juan José Alava

Honorary Research Associate and Principal Investigator, Ocean Pollution Research Unit (OPRU)


Office phone: 604-291-0019

Dr. Juan José Alava is a marine ecotoxicologist, and expert on ocean pollution, marine mammal and seabird ecotoxicology, global environmental changes, marine biodiversity, and ecology. He is part of the scientists representing Latin American (Ecuadorian)-Canadian minorities in academia and research in Canada. He is an avid soccer goalkeeper and baseball catcher and likes going hiking, whale watching, and birdwatching.

Lucas Brotz

Honorary Research Associate


Research Area

Russ Jones

Honorary Research Associate

Research Area

Michael Melnychuk

Honorary Research Associate; Quantitative Modeling Group [University of Washington]

Research Area

Postdoctoral Fellows

Meaghan Efford

Postdoctoral Fellow; Pelagic Ecosystems Lab, IOF Extended Learning


Meaghan is an archaeologist and historical ecologist. Her postdoctoral research focuses on on developing three stackable micro-credential courses on the Sustainable Blue Economy (SBE).

Sara Cannon

Postdoctoral Research Fellow; Centre for Indigenous Fisheries


Research Area

Mairin Deith

Postdoctoral Fellow; SEARUN


Dr. Mairin Deith is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of British Columbia, Canada, working with the US Army Corps of Engineers to assess the impacts of dam operations and hatchery practices on wild salmon in the Pacific Northwest. She specializes in simulation modelling, decision analysis, data-limited statistical techniques, and creating software that connects decision makers with scientific tools.

Lauren Eckert

Postdoctoral Research Fellow; Centre for Indigenous Fisheries


Dr. Lauren Eckert is a Conservation Scientist, storyteller, and postdoctoral fellow in the Centre for Indigenous Fisheries. Her work centers equitable approaches to conservation and research, and bridges social and ecological systems, marine and terrestrial systems, and Indigenous knowledge and Western science.

Aaron Greenberg

Postdoctoral Fellow, McAllister Lab


Research Area

Ibrahim Issifu

Postdoctoral Research Fellow; Fisheries Economics Research Unit


Office phone: 604-649-6335

Dr. Ibrahim Issifu is an accomplished interdisciplinary fisheries economist, specializing in the complex nexus of marine resource management, food systems, sustainable blue economy, and marine plastic pollution. With a deep understanding of the economic drivers and ecological implications of fisheries, Ibrahim employs a holistic approach to inform policy decisions and promote the long-term viability of frontline coastal communities and marine ecosystems. Read More

Research Area

Economic valuation of marine resources, Fisheries governance and policy, Climate change impacts on fisheries, Seafood trade flow, Bioeconomic modeling

Loic Jacquemot

Postdoctoral Research Fellow; Pelagic Ecosystems Lab


Dr. Jacquemot is an oceanographer and marine ecologist who specializes in the use of molecular techniques (such as DNA/RNA metabarcoding and omics) to investigate the diversity and distribution of marine communities and their interactions within marine ecosystems. Read More

Jacob Lerner

Postdoctoral Fellow; Pelagic Ecosystems Lab

Dr. Lerner is a biological oceanographer interested in the trophic ecology of pelagic food webs. Specifically, his research centres on the marine life history of Pacific salmon, carry-over effects of marine foraging on their reproductive success, and the relationship between this and the structure of pelagic ecosystems.

Xinru Li

Postdoctoral Fellow


Research Area

Roberto Licandeo

Postdoctoral Fellow, SEARUN


Research Area

Andreas Novotny

Postdoctoral Fellow; Pelagic Ecosystems Lab


Research Area

Muhammed Oyinlola

Postdoctoral Research Fellow; Changing Oceans Research Unit


Research Area

Juliano Palacios Abrantes

Postdoctoral Fellow; Changing Oceans Research Unit


Juliano Palacios Abrantes' work looks at how climate change is shifting the distribution of marine species generating uncertain feedbacks on marine ecosystems and dependent fishing communities. Specifically, he looks at how such shifts affect shared stocks (e.g., stocks that are... Read More

Patrick Pata

Postdoctoral Research Fellow; Pelagic Ecosystems Lab


Research Area

Daomin Peng

Postdoctoral Fellow; Fisheries Economics Research Unit

Research Area

Anna Schuhbauer

Postdoctoral Fellow; Fisheries Economics Research Unit


Dr. Schuhbauer has been part of the Fisheries Economic Research Unit since 2012. Her expertise in the field of fisheries spans from transdisciplinary research approaches, such as working with small-scale fisheries at a local scale, to developing high-level theoretical research frameworks at the global scale. Her work predominantly focuses on socio-economics and social-ecology, addressing both practical and theoretical aspects of fisheries.

Kristen Sora

Postdoctoral Fellow, Changing Oceans Research Unit


Kristen's (she/her) PhD research topic encompasses multi-stressor impacts on the Canadian Beaufort Sea marine ecosystem at various biological scales. Specifically, she will develop and apply food web models and associated indices using the platform Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) to understand system dynamics. The food web models will investigate possible changes in the Beaufort Sea ecosystem structure and function under changing environmental and human... Read More

Genyffer Troina

Postdoctoral Research Fellow; Pelagic Ecosystems Lab


Dr. Troina investigates the trophic and spatial ecology of marine top predators. She has been applying natural chemical tracers to learn about the foraging ecology and habitat use by marine mammals, how sympatric cetacean species compete for available resources, and how human-induced changes can affect the structure and dynamics of marine pelagic ecosystems. Read More

Beth Volpov

Postdoctoral Fellow; Marine Mammal Research Unit


Zeyu Zeng

Postdoctoral Fellow; Changing Oceans Research Unit


A marine ecologist focusing on the impacts of climate change on marine ecosystems and fisheries, with expertise in ecological modeling.

Administrative Staff

Jennifer Douglas

Manager, Administration & Operations , Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries


Advancing department goals and initiatives, supporting the students, faculty, and staff who shape the university’s vibrant academic community. Human Resources; IT; and General Operations

Neil Maclean

Manager, HR & Operations (Retired), Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries


Retired. Neil will be helping IOF's new Manager, Administration & Operations transition to her role.

Scott Finestone

Manager, Finance & Facilities, Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries


Currently on leave

Facilities (Space and equipment); Finance; Grant Support; and AERL Health and Safety

Caroline Wong

Acting Manager, Finance and Facilities, Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries


Currently acting for Scott Finestone

Finance; Grant Support; Facilities

Katherine Came

Communications Manager, Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries


Communications; Turning research papers into media releases/stories; IOF website and social media; Organizing and promoting IOF events, webinars and seminars; media relations; internal communications; and disseminating treats to IOF puppies.

Vicente Regis

Program Specialist, Extracurricular and Extended Learning


Responsible for overseeing the extracurricular activities offered by the Institute. Currently, these offerings include the Vancouver Summer Program (VSP) and micro-credential courses.

Eden Raines

Graduate Program Officer, Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries


I can help you with Graduate Program; Student Funding Support; Appointments & changes for Graduate Research Assistants

Rebecca Smith

Senior Finance Specialist, Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries


Accounting, budgeting and supporting the Finance Manager for a portfolio of various projects, services and departments within IOF and related entities.

Madeline Doig

HR & Operations Support Assistant, Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries


Can help you with HR, AERL access, keys, and other questions.

Megan Duchesne

Communications Assistant (Work Learn), Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries


Megan assists with dissemination of IOF news, honours, and events, as well as updating the IOF website.

Research Staff

Md Azizul Bari

Research Assistant, Fisheries Economics Research Unit


Md Azizul Bari is a Research Assistant at the Fisheries Economics Research Unit, University of British Columbia. He specializes in fisheries subsidies, ocean sustainability, and climate vulnerability, with a strong background in Environment and development.

Syd Ascione

Research Assistant, Project Seahorse


Syd provides support on Project Seahorse's research projects, primarily with data collection, management, and analysis, among other things. She mainly works with Dr. Sarah Foster on projects concerning the illegal wildlife trade and the unsustainable practice of bottom-trawl fishing.

Nicolas Bailly

Database Manager, Sea Around Us


Research Area

Regina Bestbier

Research Coordinator, Project Seahorse


Gina coordinates operations, communications and outreach for Project Seahorse, while also providing research, ethics, education, and administrative support to all lab members. Gina joined Project Seahorse in 2007, after years of working on watershed management issues with a neighbouring research group: UBC's Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability. Gina holds a BSc in Botany and Zoology and a MSc degree in Conservation and Environmental Biology, both from the University of Witwatersrand (Johannesburg, South Africa).

Duncan Burnside

Web/Data Manager, Fisheries Economics Research Unit (FERU), Changing Oceans Research Unit (CORU), The OceanCanada Partnership & Solving-FCB Partnership


Ki Chung Cho

Research Assistant, Project Seahorse


Ki is a research assistant providing support to Project Seahorse’s research projects, mainly focusing on the impacts of bottom trawl fisheries. He mainly works with Dr. Sarah Foster and is now collecting data on bottom trawlers and mapping the trawl effort across South Asia, South East Asia and China.

Elaine Chu

Research Assistant, Sea Around Us


At the Sea Around Us, Elaine is in charge of updating catch reconstructions, with a particular focus on automation and optimizing the ex-vessel fish price database, in close collaboration with the Fisheries Economics Research Unit. She is also a proficient coder and the go-to person when it comes to designing scientific graphs and figures.

Allison Cutting

Research Analyst, Women in Fisheries (Colette Wabnitz)


Kahsennaroroks Maddy Deom

Program Assistant, Centre for Indigenous Fisheries

Brittany Derrick

Research Assistant, Sea Around Us


At the Sea Around Us, Brittany leads the catch reconstruction team. She is in charge of executing and verifying the annual updates to the catch reconstruction data of all sectors in all Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) or EEZ-equivalent waters of the world (247), plus the catch of tuna and other large pelagic fishes in the High Seas. She also authors or co-authors papers documenting these reconstructions.

Jill Dwyer

Solving FCB Program Coordinator


Peggy Homan

Administrative Coordinator, Centre for Indigenous Fisheries


Leah Isfeld

Research Assistant, Sea Around Us


Leah is a research assistant supporting the unit's work on global marine catch reconstruction updates.

Vicky Lee

Research Assistant, Sea Around Us


Vicky is a Research Assistant with the Sea Around Us lab. She is in charge of the reconstruction of freshwater fishery catches.

Roshni Mangar

Research Assistant, Project Seahorse


I just completed my MSc in the Institute for Oceans and Fisheries. I I was born in Mauritius and grew up in both India and Mauritius. I have carried out research in multiple locations such as Mauritius, Seychelles, Florida, California, New Zealand, and Maine. My previous work has focused on the conservation of marine mammals, coral... Read More

Elsa Camins Martinez

Research Assistant

Project Seahorse

Elsa is a Research Assistant with Project Seahorse working with Miguel Correia. She is conducting Red List assessments for syngnathid species and providing valuable support to the community science iSeahorse project. She is also part of the IUCN Seahorse, Pipefish & Seadragon Specialist Group.

Gretchen MacNaughton

Support Staff, Centre for Indigenous Fisheries


Jana McPherson

Project Manager - National Wildlife Trade, Project Seahorse


Dr. McPherson is motivated by a desire to balance the needs of humans and the rest of nature. Her work in conservation has focused on terrestrial as well as marine systems at local to global scales. It has involved scientific fieldwork, traditional knowledge, species distribution models, remote sensing, sustainable development initiatives, and building large collaborations for mutual learning, data compilation, and analysis. As Project Manager – National Wildlife Trade at Project Seahorse, she works with governments in Asia and elsewhere on the creation and implementation of national management plans to ensure the sustainability of trade in seahorses.

Rabia Mushtaq

Communications Manager, Project Seahorse


Martin Paulo Nevado

Database Software Engineer, Sea Around Us

Manages the Sea Around Us database, which means updating the Sea Around Us website. Also responsible for extracting catch data for CMSY assessments.

Miel Ortiz

Website Manager, Sea Around Us

Miel is a Software Engineer from the Philippines who handles the development and maintenance of the Sea Around Us, FishBase, SeaLifeBase and Quantitative Aquatics websites.

Pamela Rosenbaum

Manager, Marine Mammal Research Unit


Valentina Ruiz Leotaud

Communications Officer, Sea Around Us Program


At the Sea Around Us, Valentina is in charge of the media outreach to bring public attention to the project’s research and her job involves several tasks, from writing press releases and reports to organizing events and producing video stories, among other things. She’s also proficient in all things social media.

Chloe Ruiz

Research Assistant, Sea Around Us


Chloe supports the marine catch reconstruction work for Spanish speaking countries.

Taryn Scarff

Research Assistant; Marine Mammal Research Unit


Taryn is a Research Assistant in the Marine Mammal Research Unit. Her research focuses on analyzing seasonal and decadal trends in killer whale populations in BC.

Alara Sever

Salmon Dialogues Community Meeting Coordinator/Project Contact


As the main contact for the Salmon Dialogues project, Alara manages communications, responds to inquiries, and oversees the collection and organization of project data

Patricia Tipay

Research Assistant, Sea Around Us


At the Sea Around Us, Patricia is in charge of conducting freshwater fisheries catch reconstructions, with an initial emphasis on Canada and the United States of America.

Vaniartha Vaniartha

Research Assistant, Sea Around Us


Vania is a research assistant supporting the unit's work on global marine catch reconstruction updates.


Julia Adelsheim


Program: MSc, OCF

Supervisor: David Rosen

Masters student in the UBC Marine Mammal Research Unit

Ruth Arnold


Program: MSc, OCF

Supervisor: Amanda Vincent

Research Area

Virginie Bornarel


Program: PhD, Zoology

Supervisor: William Cheung

Research Area

Emily Brown


Program: MSc, EOAS

Supervisor: Brian Hunt


I am interested in land-sea connections. My research focuses on the impacts of wildfires on coastal ocean biogeochemistry. Using the Fraser River and the Strait of Georgia as a model system, I work to identify impacts of runoff from burned forest areas on our coastal oceans. Read More

Natasha Buckiewicz


Program: PhD, OCF

Supervisor: Brian Hunt


As part of the Urban Oceans project, Natasha's PhD research focuses on the impacts of urbanization on phytoplankton dynamics in the Salish Sea. The aim is to understand how freshwater and material flows from the urban environment impact primary producers and their fatty acid profiles, with implications on essential nutrients available to higher trophic levels including culturally and economically important fish. Read More

Salome Buglass


Program: PhD, Geography

Supervisor: Simon Donner


Salome Buglass is a marine scientist with a strong interest in deep-water ecosystems, marine conservation, marine management, and the intersection between people and the ocean. Her PhD research explores novel mesophotic kelp forests in the Galápagos Marine Reserve.

Yixuan Chen


Program: PhD, OCF

Supervisor: Amanda Vincent

Yixuan is investigating the bottom trawl fishery and its management in China, hoping to use her interdisciplinary research to advance marine conservation and fishery management. She holds a BSc in marine biology from Xiamen University (China) and an MSc in environmental policy from Imperial College London (UK). She has experience working at research institutions and NGOs, as well as interacting with diverse stakeholders such as businesses and frontline conservation practitioners. Additionally, she has been actively involved in science communication and environmental education through teaching activities, writing, and general outreach.

Jared Connoy


Program: PhD, OCF

Supervisor: Dr. Andrea Reid


Research Area

Outcomes of Indigenous fishing methods for fish health and fisheries sustainability in a changing world

Research Unit

Centre for Indigenous Fisheries

Deniz Coskuner


Program: MSc, OCF

Supervisor: Brian Hunt


My thesis work focuses on zooplankton assemblage dynamics in the Strait of Georgia and their function as a crucial prey resource for juvenile salmon and other forage fish.

Santiago De la Puente Jeri


Program: PhD, OCF

Supervisors: Villy Christensen


I am a Peruvian researcher that has been studying the ecological and human dimensions of the Humboldt Current, with emphasis on fisheries economics and governance. Before joining the Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries at the University of British Columbia as a graduate student, I worked as associate researcher at Centre for Environmental Sustainability of the Cayetano Heredia University in Peru (2010-2015), and at Inteligencia Financiera SAC (2014-2015); as consultant for OCEANA-Peru (2016), the GEF-UNDP Project: “Towards the ecosystem based management of... Read More

Thesis Topic

Can integrated ecological-economic models help operationalize ecosystem-based fisheries management?

Maddy (Kahsennaroroks) Deom


Program: MSc, OCF

Supervisor: Andrea Reid

Research Area

Alexander Duncan


Program: PhD, OCF

Supervisors: Dr. Andrea Reid


Aanii, Alexander Duncan ndizhnikaaz, Niigaanweywidan nindigoo ojibwemong, Waabizheshii ndoodem, Neyaashiinigmiing ndoonjbaa. Alexander Duncan (Niigaanweywidan - spirit name), a member of the Marten clan, is from the Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation and the larger Saugeen Ojibway Nation, Ontario. Coming from a fishing nation where water and fish remain a vital component of culture and life, Alexander has committed his academic career to meaningfully contribute and support Indigenous fisheries across Turtle Island, especially given... Read More

Thesis Topic

Sea lamprey research and management – Indigenous input and inclusion (3I project)

Joana Dutilh De Capitani


Program: PhD, OCF

Supervisor: Amanda Vincent

Research Area

Julia Fast


Program: MSc, OCF

Supervisor: Brian Hunt

Research Area

Ema Fatima


Program: PhD, IOF

Supervisors: Dr. Rashid Sumaila and Dr. Tara Martin

I am a PhD student at the Institute of Ocean and Fisheries of University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC. I come from India, a nation with over 7500 Km coastline that inhabits around 170 million people threatened with an increasing risk to shifting climate, sea-level rise, and natural disasters. Of these, approximately 4 million constitute of marine fisher population, dependent on ocean resources while 60% of them are subsistence fishers. I was born in a landlocked state and spent most of my schooldays along the eastern Himalayan range... Read More

Thesis Topic

My research work broadly focuses on understanding the economics of fishing industry in India. I use trawl fisheries as case study: a sector reported most profitable by the nation’s government. I will be investigating the economic impact based on empirical analysis of what is perceived as profitable and what are the other unaccounted hidden cost. The second part of my thesis aims at identifying who bears the financial burden. The outcome of my study envisages to have a better understanding of government resource use and distribution for improving fisheries management effectiveness.

Marta Flotats Aviles


Program: PhD, OCF

Supervisor: Amanda Vincent

Research Area

Kathleen Gill


Program: MSc, OCF

Supervisors: Dr. David Rosen


Kathleen is analyzing datasets from pinniped telemetry studies to investigate factors such as environmental cues, anatomical mechanisms, and innate versus learned abilities that pinnipeds use to navigate during long-distance migrations. She hopes to contribute new knowledge to a relatively unexplored field and understand how these findings impact the level of behavioral adaptability pinnipeds have when facing environmental changes.

Thesis Topic

Exploring pinniped navigation methods for long-distance migrations

Avijot Grewal


Program: MSc, OCF

Supervisor: Brian Hunt

Research Area

Dana Halay


Program: MSc, EOAS

Supervisor: Evgeny Pakhomov

Research Area

Vania Henriquez-Tribinos


Program: PhD, OCF

Supervisors: Dr. Murdoch McAllister


Vania is a marine biologist interested in stock assessment, harvest control rules, and mixed fisheries. Currently, I am working on designing multi-species harvest control rules under non-stationary natural mortality of harvested species in mixed-stock fisheries. Read More

Research Area

Stock assessment, harvest control, fish stocks

Delaney Hicks


Program: MSc, OCF

Supervisor: Murdoch McAllister

Research Area

Hanbyeol Jang


Program: PhD, OCF

Supervisor: Murdoch McAllister

Research Area

Rhys Jensen


Program: MSc, OCF

Supervisor: David Rosen / Juan Jose Alava

Research Area

Nicole Jung


Program: MSc, OCF

Supervisor: Andrea Reid

Thesis Topic

Crabs and Community: Relational Visions of Á,ĆEX (Dungeness Crab, Metacarcinus magister) Stewardship in Tsawout First Nation’s QEN,T Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area

HongSik Kim


Program: PhD, OCF

Supervisor: Rashid Sumaila

Research Area

Yuliya Kuzmenko


Program: PhD, EOAS

Supervisor: Evgeny Pakhomov

Research Area

Breanna Lambert


Program: MSc, EOAS

Supervisor: Evgeny Pakhomov

Research Area

Carolina Lang Abarzúa


Program: PhD, OCF

Supervisor: Murdoch McAllister

Research Area

Sadie Lye


Program: MSc, OCF

Supervisor: Dr. Brian Hunt


MSc. Student in Biological Oceanography. Interested the urban ocean, land-sea connections, and novel anthropogenic inputs.

Julia Mayer


Program: PhD, OCF

Supervisor: William Cheung


Julia has a strong interest in climate science and coastal ecosystems. Her research focuses on assessing the vulnerability of British Columbia’s kelp habitat to climatic hazards, thereby enhancing the public understanding of how restoring kelp can address critical issues such as climate change, biodiversity conservation, and food security.

Tess McRae


Program: MSc, IOF

Supervisor: Dr. Andrew Trites


Tess grew up in Vancouver, BC where she became fascinated by marine life, especially marine mammals. Tess attended UBC to complete her undergraduate degree and specialized in biology where she became passionate about marine ecology and conservation science. She volunteered and worked for various IOF research units such as the Sea Around Us and the Marine Mammal Research Unit during her undergraduate degree and looks forward to completing her Master's... Read More

Annie Mejaes


Program: PhD, OCF

Supervisor: Rashid Sumaila

Research Area

Grace Melchers


Program: MSc, OCF

Supervisor: Brian Hunt


I am a Master's student in the Pelagic Ecosystems Laboratory at the University of British Columbia, based in Vancouver, BC. I was born in England, raised in Ontario, and lured out to British Columbia for the mountains and a Bachelor's degree in Natural Resources Conservation from the Faculty of Forestry at UBC. The vibrant people I have met and ocean ecosystems I have had the privilege to connect with convinced me to stay on the West Coast and pursue graduate studies in The Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries. My research, in partnership with the Tsleil-Waututh Nation, focuses on employing emerging, non-invasive methods (environmental DNA, or eDNA) to study marine biodiversity and community interactions in urban and non-urban nearshore ecosystems, with a focus on Pacific salmon.

Antoine Mesple

Antoine Mesple

Visiting International Student

Program: MSc, OCF

Supervisor: Dr. William Cheung


Max Miner


Program: MSc, OCF

Supervisors: Dr. Brian Hunt and Dr. Camilla Speller


I am an M.Sc. student interested in the impacts of anthropogenic change on coastal marine ecosystems. My work at IOF uses environmental DNA (eDNA) and ancient DNA (aDNA) methodologies to examine harmful algal bloom dynamics along the Pacific Northwest coast. For my thesis, I will be using DNA extracted from nearshore marine sediment core samples to reconstruct past HAB events at a clam garden site in the traditional territory of the Gitga’at Nation... Read More

Zana Mody


Program: PhD, RES

Supervisor: Simon Donner

Research Area

Stephanie Moore

Stephanie Moore


Program: PhD, OCF

Supervisor: Brian Hunt

Research Area

Joan Moreaux


Program: MSc, OCF

Supervisor: Dr. Villy Christensen

Thesis Topic

Humpback whale prey consumption in British Columbia and the effects of a growing population on the food web in the Strait of Georgia

Isabelle Morgante


Program: PhD, OCF

Supervisor: William Cheung

Research Area

Benia Nowak



Supervisors: Dr. Andrew Trites, Dr. Kit Kovacs, Dr. Christian Lydersen

I am interested in the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that influence the movement patterns and foraging behaviours of large marine predators.

Greig Oldford


Program: PhD, OCF

Supervisor: Villy Christensen

Greig is an environmental scientist and ecosystem modeler. Greig has skillsets in ecosystem science, data science, geographic information systems, and computer programming. At UBC he was a teaching assistant for the Master of Data Science program ‘Supervised Machine Learning’ and ‘Data Visualization’ courses. Read More

Research Area

ecosystems, models, fisheries, Salish Sea, end-to-end, Ecopath, NEMO

Haley Oleynik


Program: MSc, OCF

Supervisor: Murdoch McAllister

My interest in fisheries science began in my undergraduate degree where my thesis research focused on how environmental change and management have influenced the social structure and dynamics of the Lobster fishing industry in Maine. Through this research, I became fascinated by how fishing industries support coastal communities and I was eager to learn more about how fisheries are monitored and managed. I crossed North America to work in some... Read More

Ayodele Oloko


Program: PhD, OCF

Supervisor: Rashid Sumaila

Research Interests

Gender and Fisheries, Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Climate Change Adaptations, and Fisheries sustainability.

Jade Owen


Program: PhD, ISP

Supervisor: Rashid Sumaila

Research Area

Samara Polwatta


Program: PhD, OCF

Supervisor: Amanda Vincent

Research Area

Dana Price


Program: MSc, OCF

Supervisor: Juan Jose Alava

Research Area

Margaryta Pustova


Program: MSc, Geography

Supervisor: Simon Donner

Research Area

Anna Luna Rossi


Program: MSc, OCF

Supervisor: Daniel Pauly


I am an MSc student at the IOF under the supervision of Dr. Daniel Pauly. My current project focuses on catch reconstruction and ecosystem modelling in the islands of Saint Pierre and Miquelon (Eastern Canada). I am interested in the impacts of fisheries on the different trophic levels and structures, and how to implement sustainable fisheries. Read More

Mahynour Saleh


Program: MSc, OCF

Supervisor: William Cheung


My interest in marine issues began when I started scuba diving in high school in Cairo, Egypt, which led me to major in Oceanography and biology at UBC. My passion for oceans and fisheries science only grew over the years throughout my undergraduate degree. Read More

Jessica Schaub


Program: PhD, EOAS

Supervisor: Dr. Brian Hunt


I am an oceanographer with a special interest in jellyfish ecology. I am also passionate about Indigenous representation in science and related outreach.

Shabnam Shadloo


Program: PhD, OCF

Supervisor: Marie Auger-Méthé

I'm studying the glaucous-winged gulls to determine if human activities are influencing their behaviour and their health status. I'm using GPS and acceleration data to monitor them. My goal is to gain a deeper understanding of these birds and to ensure we coexist harmoniously on this planet.

Alex (Alejandro) Schmill


Program: MSc, OCF

Supervisors: William Cheung & Margot Hessing-Lewis

Research Area

Ambre Soszynski


Program: PhD, OCF

Supervisor: Dr. William Cheung


Her research aims at understanding the functioning of ecosystems and their response to anthropogenic pressures in a changing world. The use of marine ecosystem models (Ecopath with Ecosim, OSMOSE) allows to study the marine environments from the individual to ecosystem levels and to forecast the future of biodiversity under fishing and climate change scenarios. Read More

Research Area

ecological modelling; impact assessment; biodiversity; fisheries; climate change; marine ecosystem; marine governance; Ecopath with Ecosim and Ecospace; OSMOSE

Kasey Stirling


Program: PhD, OCF

Supervisor: Dr. Andrea Reid


ʔéx kʷ n̓ & pusu’l (hello), my name is Kasey Stirling and I am Nlaka’pamux, Mi’kmaq, and Acadienne. I am a status member of the Lower Nicola Indian Band in Merritt, BC. I am from Williams Lake, the traditional territory of the T’exelcemc Nation (Williams Lake First Nation, Secwepemc Peoples). Throughout my life, I have walked between both worlds: Western and academic science, and Indigenous traditional knowledge. Balancing these pedagogies and developing... Read More

Rhea Storlund


Program: PhD, Zoology

Supervisors: Dr. David Rosen and Dr. Andrew Trites


Rhea's Ph.D. explores cardiovascular adaptations in diving mammals. She looks at this from two perspectives, anatomy and physiology. Anatomically, the aorta of marine mammals is intriguing as it has been reported to be enlarged in some species, but not others, and it is suspected to contribute to the ability to breathhold dive for long durations. Physiologically, marine mammals are known for their extreme cardiovascular adjustments to diving... Read More

Guilherme Suzano Coqueiro


Program: MSc, OCF

Supervisor: Amanda Vincent

Research Area

Colton Van Der Minne


Program: MSc, OCF

Supervisor: Andrea Reid

Research Area

Aleah Wong


Program: PhD, OCF

Supervisor: William Cheung

Research Area

Alexander Yanez


Program: PhD, OCF

Supervisor: Murdoch McAllister

Research Area