Research AssociateChanging Ocean Research Unit Degrees: PhD, University of British Columbia |
Contact Information
Office phone: (604) 822-1636
Website: Changing Ocean Research Unit
Research Interests
Small-scale fisheries, socio-ecological systems, marine conservation, coral reef management, integrated assessment, sustainability
Dr. Lydia Teh’s research examines the social, economic, and ecological dynamics of marine fisheries, with a special focus on small-scale fisheries. Her inter-disciplinary research cuts across fields from human ecology to biodiversity conservation, and has taken her to work with fishing communities in Sabah, Malaysia and Fiji. She applies empirical methods and modelling approaches in her research, and has published on the topics of fisher behaviour, marine protected area design, coral reef trade, ecotourism, and climate change adaptation. Her goal is to conduct research that can translate into practical tools and strategies for management, particularly in data-poor and developing countries.
Selected Publications:
Teh LCL, Teh LSL, Abe K, Ishimura G, Roman R (2020) Small-scale fisheries in developed countries: Looking beyond developing country narratives through Japan’s perspective. Marine Policy 122, 104274.
Freire KMF, Belhabib D, Espedido JC, Hood L, Kleisner KM, Lam VWL, Machado ML, Mendonca JT, Meeuwig JJ, Moro PS, Motta FS, Palomares MLD, Smith N, Teh LCL, Zeller D, Zylich K, Pauly D (2020) Estimating Global Catches of Marine Recreational Fisheries. Frontiers in Marine Science 7. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2020.00012
Teh LCL, Ota Y, Cisneros-Montemayor AM, Harrington L, Swartz W (2020) Are fishers poor? Getting to the bottom of marine fisheries income statistics. Fish and Fisheries 21: 471-482.
Teh LCL, Caddell R, Allison EH, Finkbeiner EM, Kittinger JN, Nakamura K, et al. (2019) The role of human rights in implementing socially responsible seafood. PLoS ONE 14(1): e0210241.
Bennett NJ, Cisneros-Montemayor AM, Blythe J et al. (and 23 others incl. LCL Teh) (2019) Towards a sustainable and equitable blue economy. Nature Sustainability 2: 991-993.
Cashion T, Al-Abdulrazzak D, Belhabib D, Derrick B, Divovich E, Moutopoulos D, Noël SL, Palomares MLD, Teh LCL, Zeller D, Pauly D (2018) Reconstructing global marine fishing gear use: Catches and landed values by gear type and sector. Fisheries Research 206: 57-64.
Teh LCL, Pauly D (2018) Who Brings in the Fish? The Relative Contribution of Small-Scale and Industrial Fisheries to Food Security in Southeast Asia. Front. Mar. Sci.
Teh LSL, Teh LCL, Jolis G (2018) An economic approach to marine megafauna conservation in the Coral Triangle: Marine turtles in Sabah, Malaysia. Marine Policy 89: 1-10.
Selig ER, Hole DG, Allison EH, Arkema KK, McKinnon MC, Chu J, de Sherbinin A, Fisher B, Glew L, Holland MB, Ingram JC, Rao NS, Russell RB, Srebotnjak T, Teh LCL, Troëng S, Turner WR, Zvoleff A (2018) Mapping global human dependence on marine ecosystems. Conservation Letters.
Wabnitz CCC, Lam VWY, Reygondeau G, Teh LCL, Al-Abdulrazzak D, Khalfallah M, Pauly D, Palomares D, Zeller D, Cheung WWL (2018) Climate Change Impacts on Marine Biodiversity, Fisheries and Society in the Arabian Gulf. PLoS One 13(5): e0194537.
Bennett, NJ, Teh L, Ota Y, Christie P, Ayers A, Day JC, Franks P, Gill D, Gruby RL, Kittinger JN (2017) An appeal for a code of conduct for marine conservation. Marine Policy 81: 411-418.
Kittinger, JN, Teh LCL, Allison EH, Bennett NJ, Crowder LB, Finkbeiner EM, Hicks C, Scarton CG, Nakamura K, Ota Y, et al. (2017) Committing to socially responsible seafood. Science 356(6341), 912-913.
Teh LSL, Teh LCL, Hines E, Junchompoo C, Lewison RL (2015) Contextualising the coupled socio-ecological conditions of marine megafauna bycatch. Ocean & Coastal Management 116: 449-465.
Teh LSL, Teh LCL, Sumaila UR (2014) Time preference of small-scale fishers in open access and traditionally managed reef fisheries. Marine Policy 44: 222-231.
Teh LCL, Teh LSL, Jumin R (2013) Combining human preference and biodiversity priorities for marine protected area site selection in Sabah, Malaysia. Biological Conservation 167: 396-404.
Teh LSL, Teh LCL, Sumaila UR (2013) A Global Estimate of the Number of Coral Reef Fishers. PLoS ONE 8(6): e65397. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0065397.
Teh LCL, Sumaila UR (2013) Contribution of marine fisheries to worldwide employment. Fish and Fisheries 14(1): 77-88.
Teh LSL, Teh LCL, Sumaila UR, Cheung W (2013). Time discounting and the overexploitation of coral reefs. Environmental and Resource Economics. doi 10.1007.s10640-013-9674-7.
Teh LCL, Teh LSL, Pitcher TJ (2012) A tool for site prioritisation of marine protected areas under data poor conditions. Marine Policy 36(6): 1290-1300.
Teh LCL, Teh LSL, Meitner MJ (2012) Preferred resource spaces and fisher flexibility: implications for spatial management of small scale fisheries. Human Ecology 40: 213-226.
Teh LCL, Teh LSL (2011) A fuzzy logic approach to marine spatial management. Environmental Management 47(4): 536-545.
Teh LSL, Teh LCL, Sumaila UR (2011) Low discounting behaviour among small-scale fishers in Fiji and Sabah, Malaysia. Sustainability 3: 897-913.
Teh LSL, Teh LCL, Sumaila UR (2011) Quantifying the overlooked socio-economic contribution of small-scale fisheries in Sabah, Malaysia. Fisheries Research 110(3): 450-458.
Teh L, Teh L, Starkhouse B, Sumaila UR (2009) An overview of socio-economic and ecological perspectives of Fiji’s inshore reef fisheries. Marine Policy 33(5): 807-817.
Teh LCL, Teh LSL, Chung FC. (2008) A private management approach to coral reef
conservation in Sabah, Malaysia. Biodiversity and Conservation 17(13): 3061-3077.
Teh L, Teh L, Starkhouse B, Kuridrani N, Sumaila R (2008) Preliminary assessment of the socio-economic importance of export trade in coral reef resources on Fijian society. Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 7-11 July 2008.
Teh L, Cabanban AS (2007) Planning for sustainable tourism in southern Pulau Banggi: an assessment of biophysical conditions and their implications for future tourism development. Journal of Environmental Management 85(4): 999-1008.
Teh L, Zeller D, Cabanban AS, Teh L, Sumaila UR (2007) Seasonality and historical trends in the reef fisheries of Pulau Banggi, Sabah, Malaysia. Coral Reefs 26(2): 251-263.