Dr. Rashid Sumaila
Dr. Rashid Sumaila is one of seven UBC faculty members who have been named as Fellows of the Royal Society of Canada (RSC).
The fellowship of the RSC comprises over 2000 Canadian scholars, artists, and scientists, peer-elected as the best in their field. These are distinguished men and women from all branches of learning who have made remarkable contributions in the arts, the humanities and the sciences, as well as in Canadian public life.
Prof. Sumaila is one of the world’s most innovative researchers on the future of the oceans, integrating the social, economic and fisheries sciences to build novel pathways towards sustainable fisheries. His work has challenged today’s approaches to marine governance, generating exciting new ways of thinking about our relationship to the marine biosphere, such as protecting the high seas as a “fish bank” for the world and using “intergeneration discount rates” for natural resource projects.
“I feel massively honoured to be inducted into the Fellowship of the Royal Society of Canada,” said Prof. Sumaila. “This is the highest recognition that fellow Canadian scholars can bestow on one of their own! It reminds me of a saying that I’ve taken to heart; “Anyone who puts in his or her best will never regret it.” Young scholars, remember this and just keep pushing!”
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