The long road to recovery: consequences of harassment of Guadalupe fur seals pups
Breeding activity at the second breeding site in the San Benito archipelago inspired hope for the species’ recovery, but researchers were shocked by the disturbing behaviour they observed from immature males, which may jeopardize this progress.
Grey Whale Watching in Baja California Sur, Mexico
It’s that time of year again, when people and grey whales head to the lagoons of Baja California Sur for the annual winter event.
“Race to jellyfish” leaves Mexican fishery in turbulent water
Over the last 20 years, interest in cannonball jellyfish in the Gulf of California, Mexico exploded when Chinese investors saw that the area was a hot spot for the species.
Guadalupe fur seals continue to recover as new colony discovered
New colony of Guadalupe fur seals discovered on El Farallón de San Ignacio Island, Gulf of California