IOF goes to Ottawa

(l to r) Dr. Daniel Pauly, Dr. Andrea Reid, Dr. William Cheung, and Dr. Rashid Sumaila. ©Andrea Reid
Dr. William Cheung, professor and Director of the Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries, Dr. Daniel Pauly, University Killam Professor and PI for the
Sea Around Us initiative, Dr. Rashid Sumaila, University Killam Professor and Director of the Fisheries Economics Research Unit (FERU), and Dr. Dr. Andrea Reid, assistant professor and PI for the Centre for Indigenous Fisheries, all attended the
Oceana Canada’s Science Symposium – Rebuilding Abundance: Priorities for a Resilient Ocean – in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Drs. Pauly and Sumaila, who are also Oceana board members, gave keynote speeches. Pauly’s was for the “An Abundant Ocean is Possible: What is the potential for rebuilding abundance in Canada’s oceans in the next decade?” session, which also featured Dr. Cheung as a panelist.

(l to r) Dr. Daniel Pauly, Dr. Sarah Harper, Dr. Andrea Reid, Dr. William Cheung, and Dr. Rashid Sumaila. ©Rashid Sumaila
Sumaila’s keynote was for the “An Abundant Ocean is our Legacy: What are the growth opportunities for food security, income and livelihoods in coastal communities?” session. Dr. Reid was the keynote for the “An Abundant Ocean is our Legacy: What are the growth opportunities for food security, income and livelihoods in coastal communities?” IOF alumn, Dr. Sarah Harper was also in attendance.
More information about, and pictures from, this event are available here.
Posted in 2022, IOFNews | Tagged with Andrea Reid, Canada, Daniel Pauly, Ottawa, Rashid Sumaila, Sarah Harper, William Cheung