Research Reports

The Fisheries Centre Research Reports are published results of research work carried out, or workshops held, at the Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries. They focus on multidisciplinary problems and provide a synoptic overview of the foundations, themes and prospects of current research.

Note: These are not peer-reviewed.

Marine and Freshwater Miscellanea V

Pauly, D. and Ruiz-Leotaud, V. Fisheries Centre Research Reports 32(4). 126 p.

Reconstruction of Freshwater Fisheries Catches: Canada, Minnesota (USA), and ASEAN Countries

Palomares MLD and Pauly D (eds.) Fisheries Centre Research Reports 32 (3): 253 pp.

Image by Krishna satya 333/Wikimedia Commons

Gill size and temperature as governing factors in fish growth: A generalization of von Bertalanffy’s growth formula (2nd edition)

Daniel Pauly Fisheries Centre Research Reports 32 (2): 105 pp.

The fisheries biology and ecology of the anchovy genera Stolephorus and Encrasicholina in the Indo-West Central Pacific Region

Paul J. Dalzell and Antony D. Lewis Fisheries Centre Research Reports 32 (1): 107 pp.

Understanding the fishers to change the fishery in the bottom trawl industry in India

Mangar, R.S., Foster, S.J., and Vincent, A.C.J. Fisheries Centre Research Reports 31 (4): 150 pp.

Implementation of CITES Appendix II listing for seahorses in the context of export bans and suspensions

Sarah J. Foster (editor) Fisheries Centre Research Reports 31 (3): 306 pp.

Global Fisheries: Livelihood Impacts of Overfishing. Technical Report: November 30, 2022

Louise Teh, Lydia Teh, and U. Rashid Sumaila Fisheries Centre Research Reports 31 (2): 51 pp.

Comprehensive review of advances in life history knowledge for 35 seahorse species, drawn from community science

Elsa Camins Martínez, Lily M. Stanton, Miguel J. Correia, and Amanda C.J. Vincent Fisheries Centre Research Reports 31 (1): 107 pp.

Implementing CITES Appendix II listings for marine fishes: a novel framework and a constructive analysis

Vincent, A.C.J., Foster, S.J., Fowler, S.L., Lieberman, S., and Sadovy de Mitcheson, Y. Fisheries Centre Research Reports 30 (3): 189 pp.

Historical Ecology in Burrard Inlet: Summary of Historic, Oral History, Ethnographic, and Traditional Use Information

Morin, J., and Evans, A.B. Fisheries Centre Research Reports 30 (2): 64 pp.

Marine and Freshwater Miscellanea IV

D. Pauly and E. Chu (eds). Fisheries Centre Research Reports 30 (4): 118 pp.

Reconstructing the pre-contact shoreline of Burrard Inlet (British Columbia, Canada) to quantify cumulative intertidal and subtidal area change from 1792 to 2020

Taft, S., Oldford, G., Lilley, P.L., Oetterich, S.B., Morin, J., George, M., George, M., and Christensen, V. Fisheries Centre Research Reports 30 (1): 48 pp.

Changes in the international trade in live seahorses (Hippocampus spp.) after their listing on CITES Appendix II

Foster, S.J., Justason, T., Magera, A.M., and Vincent, A.C.J. Fisheries Centre Research Reports 29 (4): 115 pp.

Estimating the biomass of commercially exploited fisheries stocks left in the ocean

Maria L.D. Palomares, Sydney Baxter, Nicolas Bailly, Elaine Chu, Brittany Derrick, Maria Frias-Donaghey, Simon-Luc Nöel, Emmalai Page, Rebecca Schijns, Jessika Woroniak, Luisa Abucay, Elizabeth David, Selina de Leo, Martin Nevado, Shelumiel Ortiz, Vina Angelica Parducho, Patricia S. Yap, Mathew Ansell, Lincoln Hood, Gabriel Vianna, Rachel White, Dirk Zeller and Daniel Pauly Fisheries Centre Research Reports 29 (3): 74 pp.

Identifying national conservation status, legislation and priorities for syngnathid fishes globally

Stanton, L.M., Foster, S.J. and Vincent, A.C.J.
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 29 (2): 43 pp.

Marine and Freshwater Miscellanea III

Pauly, D. and E. Chu. (eds.).
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 29 (1): 115 pp.

Updating to 2018 the 1950-2010 marine catch reconstructions of the Sea Around Us. Part II: The Americas and Asia-Pacific

B. Derrick, M. Khalfallah, V. Relano, D. Zeller and D. Pauly (eds). Fisheries Centre Research Report 28 (6): 408 pp.

Updating to 2018 the 1950-2010 marine catch reconstructions of the Sea Around Us: Part I - Africa, Antarctica, Europe and the North Atlantic

B. Derrick, M. Khalfallah, V. Relano, D. Zeller and D. Pauly (eds). Fisheries Centre Research Report 28 (5): 321 pp.

Assessments of marine fisheries resources in West Africa with emphasis on small pelagics

M.L.D. Palomares, M. Khalfallah, J. Woroniak and D. Pauly (eds.).
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 28 (4): 96 pp.

Slideshow H. Kuda

The catch and trade of seahorses in India pre-ban

Perry, A.L., Vaidyanathan, T., Giles, B., Moreau, M-A., Picco, C.M., and Vincent, A.C.J. (2020)
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 28 (3): 55pp.

Marine and Freshwater Miscellanea II

Pauly, D.; Ruiz-Leotaud, Valentina (2020)
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 28 (2): 141pp.

Ecosystem modelling to support fisheries management efforts in the Nyali-Mombasa area, coastal Kenya

Wabnitz, Colette C.C.; Omukoto, Johnstone O.; Daw, Tim; Cheung, William W. L. (2020)
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 28 (1): 76pp.

Image: “Aquaculture” by Michael Chu, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

Dynamic Integrated Marine Climate, Biodiversity, Fisheries, Aquaculture and Seafood Market Model (DIVERSE)

Cheung, William W. L., Oyinlola, Muhammed A. (2019)
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 27 (3): 125pp. #273

The catch and trade of seahorses in the Philippines post-CITES

Foster, S.J., Stanton, L.M., Nellas, A.C., Arias, M.M. and Vincent, A.C.J. (2019)
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 27 (2): 45pp.

Status, Trends, and the Future of Fisheries in the East and South China Seas

Teh, LSL., Cashion, T., Alava Saltos, JJ., Cheung, WWL, Sumaila, UR (2019)
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 27 (1): 101pp.

Marine and Freshwater Miscellanea I

Pauly, D.; Ruiz-Leotaud, Valentina (2018)
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 26 (2): 83pp.

A global fishing gear dataset for integration into the Sea Around Us global fisheries databases

Cashion, T.; Al-Abdulrazzak, D.; Belhabib, D.; Derrick, B.; Divovich, E.; Moutopoulos, D.; Noël, S.L.; Palomares, M.L.D.; Teh, L.; Zeller, D.; Pauly, D. (2018)
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 26 (1): 71pp.

Seahorse exploitation and trade in Viet Nam

Foster, S.J., Aylesworth, L., Do, H.H., Bat, N.K., and Vincent, A.C.J.
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 25 (2): 53pp. (UPDATED)


Belated contributions on the biology of fish, fisheries and features of their ecosystems

Edited by Daniel Pauly, Lincoln Hood, and K.I. Stergiou
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 25 (1): 99pp.


Seahorses (Hippocampus spp.) and the CITES Review of Significant Trade

S.J. Foster
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 24 (4): 48pp.


The end use of marine fisheries landings

Tim Cashion
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 24 (3): 48pp.


An Ecosystem Model of the Ocean Around Haida Gwaii, Northern British Columbia: Ecopath, Ecosim and Ecospace

Kumar, R., Surma, S., Pitcher, T.J., Varkey, D., Lam, M., Ainsworth, C. and Pakhomov, E.
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 24 (2): 76pp.


Spatial Modelling of the Haida Gwaii Ecosystem: Contributions to Haida Gwaii Marine Spatial Planning

Pitcher, T.J., Kumar, R., Lam, M.E., Surma, S. and Varkey, D.
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 24 (1): 79pp.


Fisheries Catch Reconstructions for Brazil's Mainland and Oceanic Islands

Edited by Kátia de Meirelles Felizola Freire and Daniel Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 23 (4): 48pp.


Fisheries Catch Reconstructions: West Africa, Part II

Edited by Dyhia Belhabib and Daniel Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 23 (3): 128pp.

West Indian Ocean

Fisheries Catch Reconstructions in the Western Indian Ocean, 1950-2010

Edited by Frédéric Le Manach and Daniel Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 23 (2): 171pp.


Marine Fisheries Catches of SubAntarctic Islands, 1950 to 2010

Edited by Maria Lourdes D. Palomares and Daniel Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 23 (1): 57pp.


Ecopath 30 Years Conference Proceedings: Extended Abstracts

Edited by Jeroen Steenbeek, Chiara Piroddi, Marta Coll, Johanna J. Heymans, Sebastian Villasante, Villy Christensen
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 22 (3): 235pp.


Fisheries Catch Reconstructions: Islands, Part IV

Edited by Kyrstn Zylich, Dirk Zeller, Melanie Ang and Daniel Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 22 (2): 157pp.


Philippine Marine Fisheries Catches: A Bottom-up Reconstruction, 1950 to 2010

Edited by Maria Lourdes D. Palomares and Daniel Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 22 (1): 171pp.

ELEFAN in R: A new tool for length-frequency analysis

Edited by Pauly, D. and A. Greenberg
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 21 (3): 52pp.


From dhows to trawlers: a recent history of fisheries in the Gulf countries, 1950 to 2010

Edited by Dalal Al-Abdulrazzak and Daniel Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 21 (2): 59pp.


EcoBase: A Repository Solution to gather and communicate information from EwE models

Mathieu Colléter, Audrey Valls, Jérôme Guitton, Lyne Morissette, Francisco Arreguín- Sánchez, Villy Christensen, Didier Gascuel, and Daniel Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 21 (1): 60pp.


Marine Fisheries Catches in West Africa 1950-2010, Part I

Edited by Dyhia Belhabib, Dirk Zeller, Sarah Harper and Daniel Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 20 (3): 104pp.


Potential economic impact of a tanker spill on ocean- based industries in British Columbia

Ngaio Hotte and U. Rashid Sumaila
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 20 (7): 45pp.


Bridging the gap between ecosystem modelling tools using Geographic Information Systems

Jeroen Gerhard Steenbeek
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 20 (6): 54pp.


Fisheries catch reconstructions: Islands, Part III

Edited by Sarah Harper, Kyrstn Zylich, Lisa Boonzaier, Frédéric Le Manach, Daniel Pauly and Dirk Zeller
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 20 (5): 134pp.


The marine fisheries environment of Sierra Leone: belated proceedings of a national seminar held in Freetown, 25-29 November 1991

Edited by J Michael Vakily, Katy Seto and Daniel Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 20 (4): 104pp.


From The Tropics to the Poles: Ecosystem Models of Hudson Bay, Kaloko-HonokōHau, Hawai‘I, and The Antarctic Peninsula

Edited by Colette C. C. Wabnitz and Carie Hoover
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 20 (2): 182pp.


Catch Reconstruction for the Red Sea Large Marine Ecosystem by Countries (1950-2010)

Edited by Dawit Tesfamichael and Daniel Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 20 (1): 244pp.


The State of Biodiversity and Fisheries in Regional Seas

Edited by Villy Christensen, Sherman Lai, Maria Lourdes D. Palomares, Dirk Zeller, and Daniel Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 19 (3): 82pp.


Too Precious to Drill: 
The Marine Biodiversity of Belize

Edited by Maria Lourdes D. Palomares and Daniel Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 19 (6): 175pp.

<a href="">Doug Letterman</a>/Flickr

Changing Jellyfish Populations: Trends In Large Marine Ecosystems

Lucas Brotz
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 19 (5): 105pp.


Fisheries Catch Reconstructions: Islands, Part II

Edited by Sarah Harper and Dirk Zeller
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 19 (4): 143pp.

<a href="">Vic DeLeon</a>/Flickr

Tracking the international trade of seahorses (Hippocampus species)

Edited by Melissa Evanson, Sarah J. Foster, Stefan Wiswedel & Amanda C. J. Vincent
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 19 (2): 104pp.

Sylke Rohrlach/Flickr

Trade in seahorses and other syngnathids in countries outside Asia (1998-2001)

Edited by Amanda C.J. Vincent, Brian G. Giles, Christina A. Czembor and Sarah J. Foster
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 19 (1): 181pp.


Marine Biodiversity In Southeast Asian And Adjacent Seas - Part 1

Edited by Maria Lourdes D. Palomares and Daniel Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 18 (3): 96pp.

Sam Beebe/Flickr

Eulachon (Thaleichthys Pacificus):
 Past And Present

Megan Felicity Moody and Tony J. Pitcher
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 18 (2): 197pp.


Total Marine Fisheries Extractions By Country In The Baltic Sea: 1950-Present

Edited by Peter Rossing, Shawn Booth and Dirk Zeller
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 18 (1): 263pp.


Fisheries Catch Reconstructions: Islands, Part I

Edited by Maria Lourdes D. Palomares and Daniel Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 17 (5): 96pp.


Impact de la pêche sur l'écosystème marin de Guinée - Modélisation EwE 1985/2005

Didier Gascuel, Sylvie Guénette, Ibrahima Diallo and Aboubacar Sidibé
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 17 (4): 60pp.


Ecopath 25 Years Conference Proceedings: Extended Abstracts

Edited by M.L. Deng Palomares, Lyne Morissette, Andres Cisneros-Montemayor Divya Varkey, Marta Coll, Chiara Piroddi
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 17 (3): 167pp.


Modelling the trophic role of marine mammals in tropical areas: data requirements, uncertainty, and validation

Lyne Morissette, Jenny Lynn Melgo, Kristin Kaschner and Leah Gerber
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 17 (2): 120pp.


EcoTroph (ET): a trophic level based software for assessing the impacts of fishing on aquatic ecosystems

Didier Gascuel, Laura Tremblay-Boyer and Daniel Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 17 (1): 82pp.


Modelling Present and Climate- Shifted Distribution of Marine Fishes and Invertebrates

Edited by William W. L. Cheung, Vicky W.Y. Lam and Daniel Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 16 (3): 72pp.


Von Bertalanffy Growth Parameters of Non-Fish Marine Organisms

Edited by Maria Lourdes D. Palomares and Daniel Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 16 (10): 137pp.


Marine Fisheries Catches In Arctic Alaska

Shawn Booth and Dirk Zeller
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 16 (9): 59pp.


Economic Valuation of Critical Habitat Closures

Matthew Berman, Edward Gregr, Gakushi Ishimura, Ryan Coatta, Rowenna Flinn, U. Rashid Sumaila and Andrew Trites
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 16 (8): 102pp.

Image: “Aquaculture” by Michael Chu, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

A Comparative Assessment of Biodiversity, Fisheries and Aquaculture in 53 Countries’ Exclusive Economic Zones

Edited by Jackie Alder and Daniel Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 16 (7): 90pp.


Environmental data for the eastern North Pacific and Bering Sea

Edward J. Gregr and Ryan Coatta
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 16 (6): 76pp.


Sources of Information Supporting Estimates of Unreported Fishery Catches (IUU) for 59 Countries and the High Seas

Ganapathiraju Pramod, Tony J. Pitcher, John Pearce, and David Agnew
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 16 (4): 242pp.


Analysing ecosystem effects of selected marine protected areas with Ecospace spatial ecosystem models

Will J.F. Le Quesne1, Francisco Arreguín-Sánchez, Mirtha Albañez- Lucero, He-Qin Cheng, Victor H. Cruz Escalona, Georgi Daskalov, Hui Ding, Eduardo González Rodríguez, Johanna J. (Sheila) Heymans, Hong Jiang, Diego Lercari, Cesar López-Ferreira, Jorge A. López-Rocha, Steve Mackinson, John K. Pinnegar, Nicholas V.C. Polunin, Jun Wu, Hai-Gen Xu and Manuel J. Zetina-Rejón
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 16 (2): 67pp.


Ecological and Economic Analyses of Marine Ecosystems in The Bird’s Head Seascape, Papua, Indonesia: II

Edited by Megan Bailey and Tony J. Pitcher
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 16 (1): 186pp.

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Rebuilding Hong Kong's Marine Fisheries: An Evaluation Of Management Options

Ussif Rashid Sumaila, William W. L. Cheung and Louise Teh
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 15 (3): 112pp.


Ecosystem-based Global Fishing Policy Scenarios

Jackie Alder, Sylvie Guénette, Jordan Beblow, William Cheung and Villy Christensen
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 15 (7): 91pp.


INCOFISH Ecosystem Models: Transiting From Ecopath To Ecospace

Edited by Will J.F. Le Quesne, Francisco Arreguín-Sánchez and Sheila J.J. Heymans
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 15 (6): 188pp.


Ecological And Economic Analyses Of Marine Ecosystems In The Bird’s Head Seascape, Papua, Indonesia: I

Edited by Tony J. Pitcher, Cameron H. Ainsworth and Megan Bailey
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 15 (5): 184pp.


Growth and distribution of port- based global fishing effort within countries’ EEZs from 1970 to 1995

Ahmed Gelchu and Daniel Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 15 (4): 99pp.

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Reconstruction Of Marine Fisheries Catches For Key Countries And Regions (1950-2005)

Edited by Dirk Zeller and Daniel Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 15 (2): 163pp.


A synthesis of research activities at the Fisheries Centre on ecosystem-based fisheries modelling and assessment with emphasis on the Northern and Central coast of BC

Sylvie Guenette, Villy Christensen, Carie Hoover, Mimi E Lam, David Preikshot, Daniel Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 15 (1): 32pp.


On the Multiple Uses of Forage Fish: From Ecosystems to Markets

Edited by Jackie Alder and Daniel Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 14 (3): 120pp.


Marine Mammal Populations: Reconstructing historical abundances at the global scale

Line Bang Christensen
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 14 (9): 161pp.


Bottom-Up, Global Estimates of Small-Scale Marine Fisheries Catches

Ratana Chuenpagdee, Lisa Liguori, Maria L.D. Palomares and Daniel Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 14 (8): 105pp.


Historical Ecology of the Raja Ampat Archipelago, Papua Province, Indonesia

Maria Lourdes D. Palomares and Johanna J. Heymans
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 14 (7): 64pp.


Catching More Bait: 
A Bottom-Up Re-Estimation Of Global Fisheries Subsidies

Edited by Ussif Rashid Sumaila and Daniel Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 14 (6): 114pp.


Towards Ecosystem-Based Fishery Management in New South Wales: Proceedings of the Experts and Data Workshop, December 8-10, 2003, Cronulla, Australia

Edited by Robyn E. Forrest, James P. Scandol and Tony J. Pitcher
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 14 (5): 124pp.


Fishes in Databases and Ecosystems: Proceedings of the 2006 FishBase Symposium

Edited by Maria Lourdes D. Palomares, Konstantinos I. Stergiou and Daniel Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 14 (4): 95pp.


Evaluations of Compliance with the FAO (UN) Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries

Edited by Tony J. Pitcher, Daniela Kalikoski and Ganapathiraju Pramod
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 14 (2): 1191pp.


Proceedings of the 2005 North American Association of Fisheries Economists

Edited by U. Rashid Sumaila, A. Dale Marsden
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 14 (1): 220pp.


Ecological and Economic Impact Assessment of Sablefish Aquaculture in British Columbia

U.R. Sumaila, J.P. Volpe and Y. Liu
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 13 (3): 33pp.


Modeling Antarctic Marine Ecosystems

Edited by M.L.D. Palomares, P. Pruvost, T.J. Pitcher and D. Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 13 (7): 98pp.


International Survey of Scientific Collections of Steller Sea Lions

Edward H. Miller, Andrew W. Trites, Øystein Wiig
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 13 (6): 69pp.


Historical reconstruction of Indian marine fisheries catches, 1950-2000, as a basis for testing the ‘Marine Trophic Index’

Brajgeet Bhathal
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 13 (5): 112pp.


Ecosystem Simulation Models of Scotland’s West Coast and Sea Lochs

Edited by Nigel Haggan and Tony J. Pitcher
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 13 (4): 67pp.


Innovation and Outlook in Fisheries: An assessment of research presented at the 4th World Fisheries Congress

Edited by Ratana Chuenpagdee and Alida Bundy
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 13 (2): 113pp.


Food web models and data for studying fisheries and environmental impacts on Eastern Pacific ecosystems

Edited by Sylvie Guenette, Villy Christensen
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 13 (1): 237pp.


West African Marine Ecosystems: Models And Fisheries Impacts

Edited by Maria Lourdes D. Palomares and Daniel Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 12 (7): 221pp.


Fishing Gear Associated with Global Marine Catches

Reg Watson, Eriko Hoshino, Jordan Beblow, Carmen Revenga, Yumiko Kura and Adrian Kitchingman
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 12 (6): 32pp.


Seamounts: Biodiversity and Fisheries

Telmo Morato and Daniel Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 12 (5): 78pp.


Ecosystem Simulations of the English Channel: Climate and Trade-Offs

Richard Stanford and Tony J. Pitcher
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 12 (3): 103pp.


Implementing Microsoft Excel Software For Rapfish: A Technique For The Rapid Appraisal of Fisheries Status

Patricia Kavanagh and Tony J. Pitcher
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 12 (2): 75pp.


Back to the Future: Advances in Methodology for Modelling and Evaluating Past Ecosystems as Future Policy Goals

Edited by Tony J. Pitcher
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 12 (1): 158pp.

From Mexico to Brazil: Central Atlantic Fisheries Catch Trends and Ecosystem Models

Edited by Dirk Zeller, Shawn Booth, Elizabeth Mohammed
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 11 (6): 264pp.


Ecosystem Models of Newfoundland and Southeastern Labrador: Additional information and analyses for ‘Back to the Future’

Edited by Johanna J. Heymans
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 11 (5): 79pp.


Disease Agents in Steller Sea Lions in Alaska: A Review and Analysis of Serology Data from 1975-2000

K.A. Burek, F.M.D. Gulland, G. Sheffield, E. Keyes, T.R. Spraker, A.W. Smith, D.E. Skilling, J. Evermann, J.L. Stott and A.W. Trites
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 11 (4): 26pp.


Three Essays on the Economics of Fishing

Edited by Ussif Rashid Sumaila
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 11 (3): 33pp.


Research and Monitoring of Marine Reefs using Volunteer Divers

Edited by William Seaman, Brian Smiley, Tony Pitcher and Louisa Wood
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 11 (2): 107pp.


Putting Fishers’ Knowledge to Work Conference Proceedings - August 27-30, 2001

Edited by Nigel Haggan, Claire Brignall and Louisa Wood
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 11 (1): 504pp.

By Asc1733 (Own work) CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Production Systems in Fishery Management

Edited by Daniel Pauly and Maria Lourdes D. Palomares
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 10 (8): 28pp.


Restoring the Past to Salvage the Future: Report on a Community Participation Workshop in Prince Rupert, BC

Edited by Tony J. Pitcher, Melanie Power and Louisa Wood
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 10 (7): 55pp.


Education for Aboriginal Fisheries Science and Ecosystem Management

Edited by Nigel Haggan, Claire Brignall, Brent Peacock and Raychelle Daniel
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 10 (6): 49pp.


Ecosystem Models Of Newfoundland
 For The Time Periods 1995, 1985, 1900 and 1450

Edited by Tony J. Pitcher, Johanna J. (Sheila) Heymans and Marcelo Vasconcellos
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 10 (5): 74pp.

fishing nets

Ecosystem Models Of Northern British Columbia
 For The Time Periods 2000, 1950, 1900 And 1750

Cameron Ainsworth, Johanna J. (Sheila) Heymans, Tony J. Pitcher and Marcelo Vasconcellos
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 10 (4): 41pp.

Fishing in Hong Kong by Maxime Guilbot/Flickr

Spatial Simulations of Hong Kong’s Marine Ecosystem: Ecological and Economic Forecasting of Marine Protected Areas with Human-Made Reefs

Edited by Tony Pitcher, Eny Buchary and Pablo Trujillo
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 10 (3): 168pp.

Sam Beebe/Flickr

The Use of Ecosystem Models to Investigate Multispecies Management Strategies for Capture Fisheries

Edited by Tony Pitcher and Kevern Cochrane
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 10 (2): 156pp.


Information Supporting Past and Present Ecosystem Models of Northern British Columbia and the Newfoundland Shelf

Edited by Tony Pitcher, Marcelo Vasconcellos, Sheila Heymans, Claire Brignall and Nigel Haggan
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 10 (1): 116pp.


Economics of Marine Protected Areas

Edited by Ussif Rashid Sumaila & Jacqueline Alder with the assistance of Gunna Weingartner
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 9 (8)


A Review of the Impacts of Climate Change on BC's Freshwater Fish Resources and Possible Management Responses

Peter Tyedmers and Bruce Ward
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 9 (7)


Fishing for answers: ecosystem dynamics, trophic shifts, and salmonid population changes in South Puget Sound, WA, 1970-1999

Peter Tyedmers and Alasdair Beattie
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 9 (6)


Fisheries Impacts On North Atlantic Ecosystems: Evaluations And Policy Exploration

Edited by Tony Pitcher, Ussif Rashid Sumaila and Daniel Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 9 (5): 94pp.

Photo: Altafalvi, Wikimedia Commons.

Fisheries Impacts on North Atlantic Ecosystems: Models and Analyses

Edited by Sylvie Guénette, Villy Christensen & Daniel Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 9 (4)


Fisheries Impacts on North Atlantic Ecosystems: Catch, Effort and National/Regional Data Sets

Edited by Dirk Zeller, Reg Watson & Daniel Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 9 (3)

fishing nets

The Marine Fisheries of China: Development and Reported Catches

R. Watson, L. Pang and D. Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 9 (2)


An annotated bibliography of scientific literature (1751-2000) pertaining to Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) in Alaska

Andrea M. J. Hunter and Andrew W. Trites
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 9 (1)


Methods for Evaluating the Impacts of Fisheries on North Atlantic Ecosystems

Pauly, Daniel, and Tony J. Pitcher
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 8 (2)


Marine Protected Areas with an Emphasis on Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples: a review

Sylvie Guénette, Ratana Chuenpagdee and Russ Jones
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 8 (1)


Trophic Mass-Balance Model of Alaska’s Prince William Sound Ecosystem, for the Post-Spill Period 1994-1996 - Second Edition

compiled and edited by Thomas A. Okey and Daniel Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 7 (4)


Back to the Future: Reconstructing the Hecate Strait Ecosystem

Edited by Nigel Haggan and Alasdair Beattie, With the assistance of Daniel Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 7 (3)


Evaluating the Benefits of Recreational Fisheries

Edited by Tony J. Pitcher
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 7 (2)


Ecosystem Change and the Decline of Marine Mammals in the Eastern Bering Sea: Testing the Ecosystem Shift and Commercial Whaling Hypotheses

Andrew W. Trites, Patricia A. Livingston, Steven Mackinson, Marcelo C. Vasconcellos, Alan M. Springer and Daniel Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 7 (1)


Distant Water Fleets: An Ecological, Economic and Social Assessment

Edited by Ramon Bonfil, Gordon Munro, UssifRashid Sumaila, Hreidar Valtysson, Miriam Wright, Tony Pitcher, David Preikshot, Nigel Haggan, and Daniel Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 6 (6)


Back to the Future: Reconstructing the Strait of Georgia Ecosystem

Edited by Daniel Pauly, Tony J. Pitcher & David Preikshot, with the assistance of Jezrah Hearne
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 6 (5)


Graduate Student Symposium on Fish Population Dynamics and Management

Edited by Marcello Vasconcellos and David Preikshot
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 6 (3)


Use of Ecopath with Ecosim to Evaluate Strategies for Sustainable Exploitation of Multi-Species Resources

Pauly, D. (Daniel); Weingartner, Gunna
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 6 (2)

Fishing in Hong Kong by Maxime Guilbot/Flickr

Assessment of Hong Kong’s Inshore Fishery Resources

Tony J. Pitcher Reg Watson Anthony Courtney & Daniel Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 6 (1)


Preliminary Mass-Balance Model of Prince William Sound, Alaska, for the Pre-Spill Period, 1980-1989

Dalsgaard, Johanne, and Daniel Pauly
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 5 (2)


The Design & Monitoring of Marine Reserves

Edited by Tony J. Pitcher
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 5 (1)


Reinventing fisheries management

Edited by Tony J. Pitcher
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 4 (2)

Photo: Altafalvi, Wikimedia Commons.

Mass-Balance Models of North-eastern Pacific Ecosystems

Edited by Pauly, Daniel, Villy Christensen, and Nigel Haggan
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 4 (1)


Harvesting Krill: Ecological Impact, Assessment, Products and Markets

Edited by Pitcher, Tony J., and Ratana Chuenpagdee
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 3 (3)


Graduate Student Symposium on Fish Population Dynamics and Management

Edited by Alida Bundy and Elizabeth A Babcock
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 3 (2)

fishing nets

Bycatches in Fisheries and their Impact on the Ecosystem

Edited by Pitcher, Tony J., and Ratana Chuenpagdee
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 2 (1)


Decision Making by Commercial Fishermen

Edited by Pitcher, Tony J., and Ratana Chuenpagdee
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 1 (2)


Commercial Whaling - The Issues Reconsidered

Edited by Pitcher, Tony J., and Ratana Chuenpagdee
Fisheries Centre Research Reports 1 (1)