

Title Ecosystem Modelling with EwE
Publication type Open Source textbook
Year of Publication 2024
Publisher Open UBC
Abstract In the ever-evolving field of ecological modelling, “Ecosystem modelling with EwE" stands out as a seminal text, essential for students, researchers, and professionals keen on mastering ecosystem-based management tools. This comprehensive textbook delves deep into the what and why of the Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) software suite – a powerful tool designed for analyzing food webs and assessing trade-offs in the impact of fisheries and environmental changes on aquatic ecosystems.

Title SEA CHANGE: Charting a Sustainable Future for Oceans in Canada
Publication type Book
Year of Publication 2024
Author Ed. Ussif Rashid Sumaila, Derek Armitage, Megan Bailey, William Cheung
Publisher UBC Books
Abstract As climate change, resource overexploitation, and pollution leave ever more visible marks, ocean ecosystems, economies, and people are all affected. With coasts on the Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic, Canada faces a formidable challenge in building resilient, sustainable oceans and supporting the communities that rely on them.

Sea Change reports on the OceanCanada Partnership, a multidisciplinary project to take stock of what we know about Canada’s oceans, construct possible scenarios for coastal regions, and create a national dialogue and vision. Three themes emerge from this impressive synthesis of social, cultural, economic, and environmental research: ocean change, access to ocean resources, and ocean governance.

Indigenous and non-Indigenous scholars and practitioners focus on finding solutions to rapid environmental and social transformation, outlining the implications for legislation and offering policy recommendations. Increasingly, civil society will have to advocate for oceans, and Sea Change will empower the voices of those who take up that task.



Title Infinity Fish: Economics and the Future of Fish and Fisheries
Publication type Book
Year of Publication 2021
Author Ussif Rashid Sumaila
Dr. Ussif Rashid Sumaila is Professor and Director of the Fisheries Economics Research Unit at UBC’s Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries.
Publisher Academic Press
Abstract Infinity Fish: Economics and the Future of Fish and Fisheries is a practical and science-based reference that demonstrates how to value the benefits from restored marine ecosystems to sustain ocean and fishery resources for years to come. It discusses ecological and economical aspects to support the preservation of marine resources by understanding cost-benefits of fishery management systems.

The author explains the economical benefits of restoring ecosystems that have been overexploited and how to maintain fisheries in a level that’s sustainable. This is a practical and useful reference to a wide range of world-wide audiences. It is for those who wish to make systematic efforts to develop their fisheries sector, scientists and researchers, anyone in fisheries management, marine resource management, economists, fish farmers, policy makers, leaders and regulators, operations researchers, as well as faculty and students.


Title The Ocean's Whistleblower: The Remarkable Life and Work of Daniel Pauly
Publication type Book
Year of Publication 2021
Author By David Grémillet, Translated By Georgia Froman
Publisher Greystone Books
Abstract Daniel Pauly is a living legend in the world of marine biology. He is also a man whose life has been shaped by struggle. In this first authorized biography, writer David Grémillet recounts the scientist’s extraordinary life, including his heartbreaking childhood, his escape to Germany, his political and racial reawakening in 1960s America, and his one-of-a-kind career as a brave scientist who blew the whistle on overfishing.

Told through interviews with Pauly himself, family, teachers, colleagues, and friends, Grémillet recounts Pauly’s life with remarkable pace and precision. Epic, captivating, and inspiring, The Ocean’s Whistleblower introduces one of the most important scientists of our time.

URL The Ocean's Whistleblower


Title Atlantic Cod: A Bio-Ecology
Publication type Book
Year of Publication 2019
Editor George Rose
George A. Rose is a Canadian fisheries scientist, retired from Memorial University of Newfoundland and currently an Honorary Professor at the Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
Publisher Wiley Blackwell
Abstract A comprehensive handbook, covering all aspects of the Atlantic cod including the biology, ecology, life histories, behaviour, commercial exploitation and conservation

Atlantic Cod: Bio-Ecology of the Fish offers insightful chapter coverage of cod nomenclature, taxonomy, phylogeny and morphology; physiology and ecophysiology; reproduction and spawning behavior; early life history and pre-recruitment processes; migrations, movements and stock identity; feeding, growth and energetics; the place of cod in the ecosystem; the exploitation of cod through history and present day commercial fisheries and precautionary management for sustainable fisheries; impacts of climate change on cod biology and ecology; and the future of the species and its fisheries.


Title Daniel Pauly, un océan de combats
Publication type Book
Year of Publication 2019
Author David Grémillet
David Grémillet est océanographe. Après une formation en France, en Allemagne et en Écosse, il a intégré le CNRS en 1999. Il est actuellement directeur de recherche au Centre d’écologie fonctionnelle et évolutive de Montpellier, où il analyse l’impact des pêcheries et des changements climatiques sur les oiseaux marins, notamment au Groenland, en Afrique australe et en Europe. Ces travaux ont fait l’objet de plus de 200 publications scientifiques, ainsi que d’un ouvrage coédité pour le grand public Le Groenland : Climat, Écologie, Société (cnrs Éditions 2016).
Publisher Editions Wildproject
Abstract C’est d’abord le récit épique d’une vie. Né, au sortir de la guerre, des amours d’une ouvrière française et d’un GI afro-américain, Daniel Pauly défie toutes les statistiques.

C’est aussi, à travers un parcours scientifique hors du commun, le combat d’une vie pour identifier et établir l’ampleur de la surpêche mondiale.

C’est enfin une vaste fresque qui présente, de façon claire et abordable, la surpêche comme un enjeu global, à la fois écologique et géopolitique.

Où l’on comprend notamment pourquoi les plus grands sujets de la crise écologique sont solidaires des questions politiques de justice Nord-Sud.

Deux ans d’enquête, dans dix pays, sur quatre continents.


Title Vanishing Fish: Shifting Baselines and the Future of Global Fisheries
Publication type Book
Year of Publication 2019
Author Daniel Pauly
Daniel Pauly is an esteemed researcher who, in 1995, coined the term “shifting baselines.” A professor at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC, he directs the Sea Around Us, an initiative devoted to studying and mitigating the impact of fisheries on the world’s marine ecosystems. His work has been profiled in outlets such as Science, Nature, and the New York Times, and he has been recognized with numerous awards, including a fellowship with the Royal Society of Canada.
Publisher Greystone Books
Abstract The world’s fisheries are in crisis. Their catches are declining, and the stocks of key species, such as cod and bluefin tuna, are but a small fraction of their previous abundance, while others have been overfished almost to extinction. The oceans are depleted and the commercial fishing industry increasingly depends on subsidies to remain afloat.

In these essays, award-winning biologist Dr. Daniel Pauly offers a thought-provoking look at the state of today’s global fisheries—and a radical way to turn it around. Starting with the rapid expansion that followed World War II, he traces the arc of the fishing industry’s ensuing demise, offering insights into how and why it has failed. With clear, convincing prose, he draws on decades of research to provide an up-to-date assessment of ocean health and an analysis of the issues that have contributed to the current crisis, including globalization, massive underreporting of catch, and the phenomenon of “shifting baselines,” in which, over time, important knowledge is lost about the state of the natural world.

Finally, Vanishing Fish provides practical recommendations for a way forward—a vision of a vibrant future where small-scale fisheries can supply the majority of the world’s fish.



Title Tropical Pinnipeds: Bio-Ecology, Threats and Conservation
Publication type Book
Year of Publication 2017
Editor Juan José Alava
Publisher CRC Press and Taylor & Francis Group
Abstract Pinnipeds are a fascinating group of marine mammals that play a crucial role as apex predators and sentinels of the functioning and health of marine ecosystems. They are found in the most extreme environments from the Polar regions to the tropics. Pinnipeds are comprised of about 34 species, and of those at least 25% live permanently in tropical zones. This book reviews and updates current research on the biology, marine ecology, bio-monitoring, and conservation of tropical pinniped populations, including their behavior, anthropogenic stressors, and health. It also looks at challenges to be faced for the conservation of tropical pinnipeds, many of which are threatened species.


Title Global Atlas of Marine Fisheries: A critical appraisal of catches and ecosystem impacts
Publication type Book
Year of Publication 2016
Editors Daniel Pauly and Dirk Zeller
Publisher Island Press

Title The Red Sea ecosystem and fisheries. Coral Reefs of the World 7
Publication type Book
Year of Publication 2016
Editors Tesfamichael, Dawit, Daniel Pauly
Publisher Springer Verlag
Abstract This book is the first comprehensive coverage of Red Sea fisheries to inform researchers and decision makers. The Red Sea is a geologically young sea, but also an area with the oldest record of human sea food exploitation. Examining the fisheries of the Red Sea has become extremely important to understand the ecosystem and the direct human impact of fishing on Red Sea ecosystems. This volume gives extensive data on different fisheries sectors identified and described for each country bordering the Red Sea. Furthermore, its catch and specific composition is also described over the period 1950 to 2010. Combined with the ecosystem model this useful information can uniquely help managing fisheries and ecosystems of the Red Sea.


Title Economics of marine conservation
Publication type Book
Year of Publication 2015
Editors Ussif Rashid Sumaila and K. I. Stergiou
Publisher Marine Ecology Progress Series - Special Issue
Volume and Number Vol. 530:177-279

Title On the Contributions of Colin Clark to Fisheries Economics
Publication type Book
Year of Publication 2015
Authors Ussif Rashid Sumaila, Gordon R. Munro
Publisher Environmental and Resource Economics Special Issue
Volume and Number Volume 61, Number 1


Title Marine Policy: An Introduction to Governance and International Law of the Oceans
Publication type Book
Year of Publication 2014
Authors Mark A. Zacharias
Publisher Routledge
Abstract This textbook provides the reader with a foundation in policy development and analysis and describes how policy, including legal mechanisms, is applied to marine environments around the world. It offers a systematic treatment of all aspects of marine policy, including environmental protection, fisheries, transportation, energy, mining and climate change

Title So long, and thanks for all the fish: the Sea Around Us, 1999-2014 – a fifteen-year retrospective
Publication type Book
Year of Publication 2014
Editors Daniel Pauly and Dirk Zeller
Publisher Sea Around Us Report to the Pew Charitable Trusts

Title The Ethics of Human Impacts and the Future of the Earth’s Ecosystem
Publication type Book
Year of Publication 2014
Editors Daniel Pauly and a href="" target="_blank">K. I. Stergiou
Publisher Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics, Special Issue
Volume and Issue Volume 14, Issue 1


Title Ecosystem Simulation Models of the Upper Gulf of California
Publication type Book
Year of Publication 2013
Authors Hector Lozano-Montes, Tony Pitcher
Publisher Lambert
Abstract We humans like to define where we are going by defining where we are. This perspective represents an important problem in natural sciences because when we measure how much an ecosystem or area has changed, we generally compare it with its condition a few years ago. The risk is that each time that this is done, the baseline of our comparison may have drifted further and further away from the original starting point, impairing the true magnitude of past environmental changes. In this book, we present a multidisciplinary work to reconstruct for first time the past upper Gulf of California ecosystem (Mexico) for three key periods of time, 1900, 1940 & 2000 to determine the role of nutrients and sediments delivered by the Colorado River in the structure and function of this ecosystem. The reconstruction of the upper Gulf of California is based on mass-balance models (Ecopath with Ecosim) which include Local Environmental Knowledge from the fishing communities of this region in an attempt to quantify important losses of abundance and diversity over the past 50 years.

Title Game Theory and Fisheries: Essays on the Tragedy of Free for All Fishing
Publication type Book
Year of Publication 2013
Editors Sumaila, Ussif Rashid
Publisher Routledge
Abstract Today, there is a growing sense of urgency among fisheries scientists regarding the management of fish stocks, particularly among those who predict the imminent collapse of the fishing industry due to stock depletion. This book takes a game theoretic approach to discussing potential solutions to the problem of fish stock depletion. Acknowledging the classification of fish stocks as destructible renewable resources, these essays are concerned with the question of how much of the stock should be consumed today and how much should be left in place for the future.

The book targets both economists and students of economics who are familiar with the tools of their trade but not necessarily familiar with game theory in the context of fisheries management. Importantly, the goal is not to give a summary evaluation of the current views of the ‘appropriate’ response to immediate policy questions, but rather to describe the ways in which the problems at hand can be productively formulated and approached using game theory and couched on real world fisheries.

Game Theory and Fisheries consists of twelve previously published but updated articles in fisheries management, a number of which address a gap in the fisheries literature by modelling and analysing the exploitation of fishery resources in a two-agent fishery, in both cooperative and non-cooperative environments. The author’s work ultimately illustrates that the analysis of strategic interaction between those with access to shared fishery resources will be incomplete without the use of game theory.


Title Managing Ocean Environments in a Changing Climate: Sustainability and Economic Perspectives
Publication type Book
Year of Publication 2013
Editors Noone, K.J., Sumaila, U.R., and Diaz, R.J.
Publisher Elsevier
Abstract Managing Ocean Environments in a Changing Climate summarizes the current state of several threats to the global oceans. What distinguishes this book most from previous works is that this book begins with a holistic, global-scale focus for the first several chapters and then provides an example of how this approach can be applied on a regional scale, for the Pacific region. Previous works usually have compiled local studies, which are essentially impossible to properly integrate to the global scale. The editors have engaged leading scientists in a number of areas, such as fisheries and marine ecosystems, ocean chemistry, marine biogeochemical cycling, oceans and climate change, and economics, to examine the threats to the oceans both individually and collectively, provide gross estimates of the economic and societal impacts of these threats, and deliver high-level recommendations.


Title The Economics and Management of World Fisheries
Publication type Book
Year of Publication 2012
Authors Karen A. Bjorndal, and Gordon R. Munro
Publisher Oxford University Press
Abstract Over the past several decades there has been increasing interest in, and concern about, the economics of the world's capture fishery resources. Massive amounts of resource rent are being lost because of inadequate management and major rebuilding of fishery resources is called for. This book draws together the latest economic theory of the management of these resources, at both the national and the international levels, and highlights areas where further research is urgently required. The emphasis is on world capture fisheries, rather than fisheries of specific regions, and examples are drawn upon from both developed and developing countries. It combines economic theory and empirical testing with an examination and analysis of resource policy options, with particular emphasis on fisheries management polices at the international level, where some of the most difficult resource management problems are found. The authors maintain that capture fishery resources are properly viewed as a part of society's portfolio of natural capital assets. Consequently, a central theme of the book is that managing such resources should be viewed as asset management through time. Written by two leading authorities, this accessible textbook has been specially developed to meet the needs of students taking courses on fisheries management as well as professionals working in this area for governments and international organisations.


Title Ecosystem Approaches to Fisheries: A Global Perspective
Publication type Book
Year of Publication 2011
Editors Christensen, Villy, and JL Maclean
Publisher Cambridge University Press
ISBN 9780521130226
Abstract Inspired by the work of the renowned fisheries scientist Daniel Pauly, this book provides a detailed overview of ecosystem-based management of fisheries. It explores the complex and interdisciplinary nature of the subject by bringing together contributions from some of the world's leading fisheries scientists, managers and conservationists. Combining both research reviews and opinion pieces, and reflecting the breadth of Pauly's influence within the field, the book illustrates the range of issues associated with the implementation of the ecosystem approach and the challenge of long-term sustainability. Topics covered include global biodiversity, the impact of human actions on marine life, the implications for economic and social systems and the role of science in communicating and shaping ocean policy to preserve resources for the future. This book provides a complete and essential overview for advanced researchers and those just entering the field.

Title Marine Conservation Ecology
Publication type Book
Year of Publication 2011
Authors Roff, John, and Mark A. Zacharias
Publisher Earthscan from Routledge
ISBN 9781844078844
Abstract This major textbook provides a broad coverage of the ecological foundations of marine conservation, including the rationale, importance and practicalities of various approaches to marine conservation and management. The scope of the book encompasses an understanding of the elements of marine biodiversity - from global to local levels - threats to marine biodiversity, and the structure and function of marine environments as related to conservation issues.

The authors describe the potential approaches, initiatives and various options for conservation, from the genetic to the species, community and ecosystem levels in marine environments. They explore methods for identifying the units of conservation, and the development of defensible frameworks for marine conservation. They describe planning of ecologically integrated conservation strategies, including decision-making on size, boundaries, numbers and connectivity of protected area networks. The book also addresses relationships between fisheries and biodiversity, novel methods for conservation planning in the coastal zone and the evaluation of conservation initiatives.


Title Understanding the socio-economic characteristics and perception of poverty in artisanal fisheries of Ghana. The Case of Kpong Reservoir
Publication type Book
Year of Publication 2011
Authors Asiedu, Berchie, F. K. E. Nunoo, and Ussif Rashid Sumaila
Publisher GRIN Verlag
ISBN 978-3-640-82151-8
Abstract There is a worldwide perception that large number of small-scale fishers, especially in Africa, live in poverty. We applied a mixed-methods of interview, catch assessment and observation to understand the socio-economic characteristics and perception of poverty in artisanal fisheries of Kpong Reservoir of Ghana. Specifically, we asked the following questions: What are the socio-economic characteristics of the fishing communities in terms of age, education, household sizes and fishing experience? What is the distribution of fishing costs and household expenses? What is the perception of poverty in terms of understanding, nature and causes? Results of the study show that the socio-economic characteristics of the fishers around the reservoir are quite similar.

However, they differ in terms of income and household expenditures. Dominant gears used consist of purse seine and gill nets. This study also revealed that fishers have an in-depth perception and knowledge about poverty in the fishing communities; and that it is multi-dimensional in nature other than soley from lack of income. From the study, fishers were able to identify the most vulnerable groups to poverty in the communities.


Title World fisheries: a social-ecological analysis
Publication type Book
Year of Publication 2011
Editors Ommer, Rosemary, Ian R. Perry, Kevern Cochrane, and Philippe Cury
Publisher Wiley-Blackwell
ISBN (print / online) 9781444334678 / 9781444392241
Abstract This exciting new book grew out of an international symposium held at FAO, Rome in July 2008, but it is not just a collection of papers from that symposium. Rather, the publication brings together work on social-ecological marine research that cuts across disciplines, identifies key common elements and approaches that promote resilience of marine social-ecological systems in the face of global changes, and points to next steps.

The book comprises contributions on conceptual issues relating to social-ecological responses in marine systems to global changes; offers illustrative case studies of specific examples of social-ecological responses in marine systems to significant environmental changes manifested locally; develops a syntheses between natural and social scientists on the topic, and points the way forward with innovative approaches to the use of science and knowledge in management, policy and advice.

World Fisheries is part of Wiley-Blackwell's prestigious Fish and Aquatic Resources Series, and encompasses chapters from many scientists at the top of their fields worldwide. Carefully drawn together and edited by four world experts in the area, World Fisheries is a landmark publication which is an essential purchase for all fisheries managers worldwide.



Title Fisheries Governance
Publication type Book
Year of Publication 2010
Editors Chuenpagdee, Ratana, and Ussif Rashid Sumaila
Publisher Fish and Fisheries, Special Issue
Volume and Number Volume 11, Number 3

Title Global Fisheries Economics
Publication type Book
Year of Publication 2010
Editors Sumaila, Ussif Rashid, Ragnar Arnason, and G. M. Lange
Publisher Journal of Bioeconomics, Special Edition
Volume and Number Volume 12, Number 3

Title Mountains in the Sea
Publication type Book
Year of Publication 2010
Author Staudigel, H., A. A. P. Koppers, J. W. Lavelle, Tony J. Pitcher, and T. Shank
Publisher Oceanography, Special Issue
Volume and Number Volume 23, Number 1


Title Game theoretic applications to environmental and natural resource problems
Publication type Book
Year of Publication 2009
Editors Sumaila, Ussif Rashid, Ariel Dinar, and Jose Albiac
Publisher Environment and Development Economics, Special Issue
Volume and Number Volume 14, Number 1
Abstract Game theory has been useful as an analytical framework for assessing environmental and resource regulations and policies. The papers in this volume provide the latest methodological and applied works in game theory to a wide range of natural and environmental resource problems such as fishing, grazing, pollution, climate change, water allocation, and stochastic production processes. The findings in the papers suggest that game theory is an effective tool for the analysis of the efficient use of shared natural resources; it can be used to identify stable agreements between parties to a resource conflict, and show how non-cooperation over global public goods/bads has a high social cost tag.


Title Advances in fisheries economics: festschrift in honour of professor Gordon R. Munro
Publication type Book
Year of Publication 2008
Editors Trond Bjørndal, Daniel V. Gordon, Ragnar Arnason, and Ussif Rashid Sumaila
Publisher Wiley-Blackwell
Abstract A true landmark publication, Advances in Fisheries Economics brings together many of the world's leading fisheries economists to authoritatively cover the many issues facing the field of fisheries economics and management today. Compiled in honour of the work and achievements of Professor Gordon Munro of the University of British Columbia, Canada, this exceptional volume of research serves as both a valuable reference tool and fitting tribute to a man whose work has shaped the discipline. Divided into four sections, the text includes coverage of:

  • Property Rights and Fisheries Management
  • Capital Theory and Natural Resources
  • Game Theory and International Fisheries
  • Applied Fisheries Economics and Management

The book is an important addition to the resources of all fisheries economists, managers, scientists and fish biologists. Libraries in universities and research establishments where these subjects are studied and taught should have copies on their shelves.

DOI 10.1002/9780470751589

Title Landing Native Fisheries: Indian Reserves and Fishing Rights in British Columbia, 1849-1925
Publication type Book
Year of Publication 2008
Author Harris, Douglas C.
Publisher UBC Press
Abstract Landing Native Fisheries reveals the contradictions and consequences of an Indian land policy premised on access to fish, on one hand, and a program of fisheries management intended to open the resource to newcomers, on the other. Beginning with the first treaties signed on Vancouver Island between 1850 and 1854, Douglas Harris maps the connections between the colonial land policy and the law governing the fisheries. In so doing, Harris rewrites the history of colonial dispossession in British Columbia, offering a new and nuanced examination of the role of law in the consolidation of power within the colonial state.

Title Seamounts: ecology, fisheries & conservation
Publication type Book
Year of Publication 2008
Editors Pitcher, Tony J., Telmo Morato Gomes, Paul J. B. Hart, Malcolm R. Clark, Nigel Haggan, and Ricardo S. Santos
Publisher Land Economics, Special Issue
Volume Volume 12
Abstract Rationale: The ecological and oceanographic importance of seamounts for the status of marine food webs and biodiversity has only recently been recognized, yet seamounts world-wide have been so intensively exploited by fisheries that many of their biotic components have suffered serious depletion. Two especial problems are the overfishing and serial depletion of long-lived, late-maturing fishes and the destruction of coldwater corals and other benthic habitats by bottom trawling. Migratory fish and cetaceans rely on visiting seamount food webs, so that the impact of overfishing raises serious concerns. Controlling these activities is a major problem, especially since about half of all seamounts lie in international waters.

Many of the fundamental ecological processes that maintain seamount communities are poorly understood: the influences of local current patterns on recruitment to the seamount ecosystem; complex food web structure depending on advective food supplies; transient feeding by visitors like tuna and whales; and the integration of different environmental compartments stratified by depth. By bringing together international experts on seamount ecosystems and their fisheries to create a fresh synthesis, this book aims to address these issues and lead the way to an improved insight into seamount ecology and identify measures necessary to conserve their biodiversity and integrity.



Title Recent Developments in Fisheries Economics
Publication type Book
Year of Publication 2007
Editors Ussif Rashid Sumaila, Gordon R. Munro, and J. Sutinen
Publisher Land Economics, Special Issue
Volume and Number Volume 83, Number 1


Title Topical problems in fishery economics: an introduction
Publication type Book
Year of Publication 2006
Editors Ussif Rashid Sumaila, Anthony Charles, and Gil Sylvia
Publisher Marine Resource Economics, Special Issue
Volume and Issue Volume 21, Issue 4


Title Fisheries Ecology and Management
Publication type Book
Year of Publication 2004
Authors Walters, Carl J., and SJD Martell
Publisher Princeton University Press
ISBN 9780691115450
Abstract Quantitative modeling methods have become a central tool in the management of harvested fish populations. This book examines how these modeling methods work, why they sometimes fail, and how they might be improved by incorporating larger ecological interactions. Fisheries Ecology and Management provides a broad introduction to the concepts and quantitative models needed to successfully manage fisheries. Walters and Martell develop models that account for key ecological dynamics such as trophic interactions, food webs, multi-species dynamics, risk-avoidance behavior, habitat selection and density-dependence. They treat fisheries policy development as a two-stage process, first identifying strategies for varying harvest in relation to changes in abundance, then finding ways to implement such strategies in terms of monitoring and regulatory procedures. This book provides a general framework for developing assessment models in terms of state-observation dynamics hypotheses, and points out that most fisheries assessment failures have been due to inappropriate observation model hypotheses rather than faulty models for ecological dynamics.

Title Namibia's Fisheries: Ecological, Economic, and Social Aspects
Publication type Book
Year of Publication 2004
Author Ussif Rashid Sumaila, D. Boyer, M. Skog, and S. I. Steinshamm
Publisher Eburon Academic Publishers

Title The conservation and management of shared fish stocks: legal and economic aspects
Publication type Book
Year of Publication 2004
Editor Munro, Gordon R.
Publisher FAO Fisheries Technical Paper


Title Policies and governance structures in woodlands of Southern Africa
Publication type Book
Year of Publication 2003
Editors Kowero, Godwin S., Bruce Morgan Campbell, and Ussif Rashid Sumaila
Publisher CIFOR Press


Title Economics of marine protected areas
Publication type Book
Year of Publication 2002
Editors Ussif Rashid Sumaila and Anthony Charles
Series Title Natural Resource Modeling, Special Issue
Volume and Number Volume 15, Number 3 and 4
URL Economics of marine protected areas

Title Social and economic aspects of protected marine areas implementation
Publication type Book
Year of Publication 2002
Editors Ussif Rashid Sumaila, and Jackie Alder
Publisher Coastal Management, Special Issue
Volume and Issue Volume 30, Issue 2


Title Fish, Law, and Colonialism: The legal capture of salmon in British Columbia
Publication type Book
Year of Publication 2001
Editors Douglas C. Harris
Publisher University of Toronto Press
ISBN 9780802084538
Abstract An engrossing history, Fish, Law, and Colonialism recounts the human conflict over fish and fishing in British Columbia and of how that conflict was shaped by law. Pacific salmon fisheries, owned and managed by Aboriginal peoples, were transformed in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries by commercial and sport fisheries backed by the Canadian state and its law. Through detailed case studies of the conflicts over fish weirs on the Cowichan and Babine rivers, Douglas Harris describes the evolving legal apparatus that dispossessed Aboriginal peoples of their fisheries. Building upon themes developed in literatures on state law and local custom, and law and colonialism, he examines the contested nature of the colonial encounter on the scale of a river. In doing so, Harris reveals the many divisions both within and between government departments, local settler societies, and Aboriginal communities. Drawing on government records, statute books, case reports, newspapers, missionary papers and a secondary anthropological literature to explore the roots of the continuing conflict over the salmon fishery, Harris has produced a superb, and timely, legal and historical study of law as contested terrain in the legal capture of Aboriginal salmon fisheries in British Columbia.