The Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries is very pleased to welcome Dr. Marie Auger-Méthé, who is joining us an Assistant Professor, with a cross-appointment in UBC’s Department of Statistics. She will also hold a Canada Research Chair, Tier II in Statistical Ecology.
Dr. Auger-Méthé’s work is interdisciplinary in nature, combining ecology, marine sciences, and statistics. Her recent focus has been on developing and applying statistical models to understand the movement and space use of marine and polar species, with a particular focus on polar bears. In addition, Marie is interested in the conservation and management of marine and polar ecosystems.
She brings with her two graduate students; MSc Zoology candidate Sarah Dier-McComb, whose research focuses on using movement data to identify the conservation value to Gentoo penguins of marine areas around the Falklands and PhD Zoology candidate Ron Togunov whose research focus is on investigating the effects of anthropogenic changes on the spatial distribution of Arctic marine mammals.
Dr. Auger-Méthé was most recently a NSERC Postdoctoral fellow at Dalhousie University. She received her PhD in Ecology at the University of Alberta, and a BSc (Hons) in Marine Biology and a MSc in Biology at Dalhousie University.
Welcome Marie!
Tags: Faculty, IOF students, Marie Auger-Methe, Ocean ecology