Registering for courses

The IOF offers a series of FISH courses, which all students are encouraged to take for official credit, or as an elective. Please discuss your course requirements with your IOF research supervisor.

Graduate students may register to take FISH courses:

  • for credit via the Student Services website.

Note: FISH courses with low registration are subject to possible cancellation on or before the date of the first class

Adding/dropping courses

  • Students can add and/or drop courses via the SSC up until the second week of term. After that students must complete an add/drop form (with the required signatures) and submit it to the OCF Graduate Program Officer.

Auditing courses

  • If you are planning to officially or unofficially audit a course, contacting the instructor to obtain permission and then sending an e-mail to

FISH Courses offered in Term 1 2024/25

FISH 500 (3 credits) Issues in Fisheries Research: Seminars – Fisheries Management | Terms 1 & 2

FISH 506G/SPPG 544 (3 credits) Economic Foundations of Environmental Policies | Sumaila | Term 1

FISH 520 (3 credits) Fisheries Conservation, Governance and Evaluation | McAllister | Term 1

  • FISH 549A (12 credit) M.Sc. Thesis | Term 1 &/or 2
  • FISH 549B (18 credit) M.Sc. Thesis | Term 1 &/or 2
  • FISH 699 Ph.D. Dissertation | Term 1 &/or 2

FISH Courses offered in Term 2 2024/25

FISH 500 (3 credits) Issues in Fisheries Research: Seminars – Fisheries Management | Terms 1 & 2

FISH 501 (3 credits) Ecosystem Modeling with Ecopath with Ecosim | Christensen | Term 2

FISH 506F (3 credits) Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Fisheries Management – Current Topics in Fisheries | Menzies | Term 2

FISH 506I (3 credits) Co-Creating Aquatic Science | Reid | Term 2

FISH 506J (3 credits) Managing nature: the case of fisheries | Sumaila | Term 2

  • FISH 549A (12 credit) M.Sc. Thesis | Term 1 &/or 2
  • FISH 549B (18 credit) M.Sc. Thesis | Term 1 &/or 2
  • FISH 699 Ph.D. Dissertation | Term 1 &/or 2