FISH 506F / ANTH 461

Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Fisheries Management – Current Topics in Fisheries

Credit Value
3 credits

Term 2, 2024/25

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UBC Calendar


This course will focus on the role of traditional & local ecological knowledge in environmental assessment processes and in the development of resource management plans. Natural resource management approaches have long been critiqued for highlighting bio-economic features over cultural and social aspects of the human/environmental interface. Practitioners have come a long way over the past several decades and are now open to incorporating local systems of knowledge into management plans. The difficulty is how to do this. This seminar explores the nature and extent of what Traditional/Indigenous Ecological Knowledge is, how it’s presented by various community partners, and how to include it in contemporary resource planning.

This is a hands-on seminar/workshop course in which cooperative learning and collaborative practices will be the guiding approach to learning. Our overarching intellectual approach is one framed by Indigenous Knowledge.

NOTE: This course will NOT be taught in Academic Year 2020/21

Course Instructor

Dr. Charles Menzies