
Accessibility is something we are committed to as an Institute, but also something we strive for in all that we do as a community.


This website was designed with accessibility in mind. You may notice that the background is slightly off-white, to help those with colour blindness and dyslexia. We have also increased the line height, and colour contrast. All colours used throughout the website adhere to a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 between the background and foreground. We have also ensured to use proper headings to help facilitate screen reader navigation.

And more accessibility tools are planned!

Physical Accessibility

The AERL building is equipped with an elevator which has access to all four floors of the building.

Hallways and paths in the IOF lofts are wide, and accessible by wheelchair or other mobility devices. IOF’s Health and Safety team does regular inspections to ensure that these are clear and there are no tripping hazards.

Should you have any questions about the accessibility of certain rooms in AERL, please contact Scott Finestone, Manager Finance and Facilities, at

Parking Lots

The parking lots closest to AERL that have accessibility parking are:

  • AERL Parking Lot; there is a parking lot behind the AERL building, which is good for shorter term parking and has only one accessible parking spot.
  • Michael Smith Lot; street parking located in front of the Michael Smith Laboratories near the UBC Bookstore. This is good for shorter term parking and only has one accessible parking spot.
  • Health Sciences Parkade; Parkade located at corner of East Mall and Health Sciences with multiple accessibility parking spots. Best for longer term parking. Exit at southwest corner for easy access between buildings to AERL (follow signs to Beaty Biodiversity Museum).

UBC also offers an Accessibility Shuttle across campus by reservation, with a shuttle stop location outside of the Earth Sciences building on Main Mall located across from the AERL building. See here for more information.