CRC T2- Ron Vave – RESEARCH seminar

MSL Theatre

Ron Vave, PhD (2022) Marine Biology, University of Hawaii at Manõa; MSc, Marine Science; University of South Pacific, Fiji; Post-doctoral fellow (2022-2024), East Carolina University, North Carolina. Of Indigenous Fijian descent, Dr. Vave has focussed his research on the human dimensions of the place-based management approaches of Indigenous communities. To date, his grant-funded graduate and post-doctoral field-based studies have concerned traditional ecological knowledge, theoretical human and cultural ecology, and the environmental impacts of development in Fiji, the Indo-Pacific (seven countries of the Locally Managed Marine Area (LMMA) Network), and Hawai’i. Projects include the Pacific Ocean Climate Crisis Assessment, a book project involving Pacific Island scientists amassing both local and scientific knowledge from 16 Pacific Island countries to strengthen Pacific regional positions for global negotiations.