Dr. Andrea Reid
Thesis Topic
Crabs and Community: Relational Visions of Á,ĆEX (Dungeness Crab, Metacarcinus magister) Stewardship in Tsawout First Nation’s QEN,T Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area
B.Sc., University of British Columbia
Research Unit
Centre for Indigenous Fisheries
Nicole Jung is a settler-descendent of Chinese immigrants who lives and works within W̱SÁNEĆ and Lək̓ʷəŋən (Songhees and Esquimalt) territories (Southern Vancouver Island). She often finds herself operating in ‘in-between’ spaces, as a non-white-settler and artist-researcher. Nicole is enrolled in the IOF’s Indigenous Community-based Researcher Pathway which allows her to conduct her studies at UBC, whilst living near the Indigenous community she partners with for her research. She has spent over a decade building relationships within Tsawout First Nation (one of four communities that constitute the W̱SÁNEĆ Nation and her primary research project partner) in many fluid community roles that often escape English words, but include ones like ‘youth mentor,’ ‘auntie,’ ‘friend,’ and ‘chosen family.’ To be in a place where she can now be standing with and giving back to a community that has inspired, taught, and supported her with such care is a honor and gift that also goes beyond words.
Research Interests
Indigenous fisheries, decolonial research methodologies, storytelling/art-based science communication, social-ecological in/justice, Dungeness crab
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