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PhD, OCFSupervisorDr. Murdoch McAllister |
Thesis Topic
My thesis research addresses the gaps in understanding the dynamics of depensatory predation and non-stationary natural mortality (M) and their implications in time-varying HCRs for multispecies fisheries that deal with conflictive fishery objectives. I am using as a case study Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) from the Bay of Fundy and western Scotian Shelf (NAFO division 4X5Y). The abundance of cod and haddock (cod abundance in particular) have declined dramatically since the middle of the 1990s’ despite reductions in fishing effort. The lack of cod recovery is related to high levels of M due possibly to increases in predation associated with the expanding Atlantic grey seal population. I will investigate the implication of changes in M due to depensatory predation and how these changes may affect the structure and parameters of time-varying HCRs in multispecies fisheries.
MSc Marine Biodiversity and Conservation
BSc Biology of Organisms and Populations
Research Unit
Stock Assessment and MSE Research Unit (SEARUN)
I am a marine biologist interested in stock assessment, harvest control rules, and mixed fisheries. Currently, I am working on designing multi-species harvest control rules under non-stationary natural mortality of harvested species in mixed-stock fisheries.
Contact Information
Email: v.henriquez@oceans.ubc.ca