Dr Robyn Forrest
Robyn Forrest
Adjunct Professor; Fisheries & Oceans Canada
Research Area
Dr Alyssa Gehman
Alyssa Gehman
Adjunct Professor, Hakai Institute
I am a marine disease ecologist at the Hakai Institute, an adjunct professor in the UBC Institute of Oceans and Fisheries and a member of the Biodiversity Research Centre. I am particularly interested in the interactions between infected hosts and their communities, as well as the impact of temperature on host-parasite interactions.
Dr Martin Haulena
Martin Haulena
Adjunct Professor, Vancouver Aquarium
Research Area
Marine mammals, necroscopy
Dr Douglas E. Hay
Douglas E. Hay
Adjunct Professor, Pacific Biological Station (Scientist Emeritus)
Research Area
Dr Margot Hessing-Lewis
Margot Hessing-Lewis
Adjunct Professor, Hakai Institute
Research Area
ecological dynamics, changing coastal environments, seagrass, kelp
Dr. Colleen Kellogg
Colleen Kellogg
Adjunct Professor, Hakai Institute
Research Area
Dr Josh Korman
Josh Korman
Adjunct Professor; Ecometric Research
Research Area
Dr Steve McAdam
Steve McAdam
Adjunct Professor; BC Ministry of Environment
Research Area
Fraser McDonald
Fraser McDonald
Adjunct Professor
Research Area
Dr Jesse Morin
Research Area
Archeology, lithic analysis, Coast Salish peoples, stone tools