Early in Career Award (CUFA BC)

The Early in Career Award recognizes outstanding contributions made by scholars at relatively early stages in their careers. It is recognized that career patterns differ and so we encourage nominators to explain how this award is appropriate for their nominee. As a guide only, early in career is often defined as being “no more than five years from completion of a doctoral degree or equivalent” or “within three years of the initial appointment as an Assistant Professor”. The adjudication committee will determine the appropriateness of nominations.

All forms of research and scholarly activity that contribute to the community beyond the academy are eligible for consideration. Examples of eligible contributions include:

  • developing an innovative idea, process or framework;
  • extending an idea, process or framework through novel applications;
  • promoting a field of knowledge to the public;
  • contributing to the understanding of public policy;
  • developing innovative systems to access research materials, etc.

Nomination package
Nominations for each of the awards must include the following information:

  • a completed Distinguished Academics Award nomination form available from the CUFA BC website;
  • an abbreviated curriculum vitae of the nominee(s). CVs may be no more than 20 pages (single-sided) or 10 pages (double-sided); and
  • two letters of reference, one of which must be from a person outside the university community who can comment on the contribution of the individual’s or group’s academic work to the community beyond the academy. These letters must specifically describe how the nominee(s) research or other scholarly activity has contributed to the community beyond the academy.
  • a letter of nomination specifically describing how the nominee(s) research or other scholarly activity has contributed to the community beyond the academy. In the case of the Early in Career Award , the letter must address how the nominee(s) fit in to the early in career category.

Deadline: usually end of January

More information

The Confederation of University Faculty Associations of British Columbia (CUFA BC) represents approximately 5,400 faculty members, lecturers, and professional librarians at British Columbia’s five research universities. These universities are Royal Roads University (RRU), Simon Fraser University (SFU), University of British Columbia (UBC), University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC), and University of Victoria (UVic).