Robert H. Whittaker Awards (ESA)

Award given by the Ecological Society of America.

There are two Whittaker Awards, both recognize ecologists who are not U.S. citizens and who reside outside the U.S.

The Whittaker Distinguished Ecologist award is an honorary award that recognizes an ecologist with an earned doctorate and an outstanding record of contributions in ecology. The Whittaker Award recognizes an outstanding ecologist in a developing country at any career stage. The Whittaker Award provide funds for travel to the United States for research or to attend the ESA meeting, covering expenses up to $1200.

Requirements: Nominations for both awards can be made directly by the nominee or by an ESA member on behalf of the nominated ecologist.

Nominations for these awards should include:

  • a curriculum vitae,
  • a short description how the awardee intends to use the award
  • a letter of nomination, and
  • no more than two additional letters of support.

A nomination should be submitted as a single PDF file to E-mail: with the name of the award in the subject line.

Deadline: October 19, 2017

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