Research Assistant
Project Seahorse
Elsa holds a BSc in Marine Science from the University of Barcelona and an MSc in Oceans and Fisheries from The University of British Columbia. Her master’s thesis explored the potential of using community science to study seahorse species, with a focus on the iSeahorse community science project. During her BSc, she initiated a citizen science project aimed at monitoring microplastic pollution in the coastal waters of Barcelona, a project that continues to thrive. Currently, Elsa is a Research Assistant with Project Seahorse, The University of British Columbia, where she is conducting Red List assessments for syngnathid species and providing valuable support to the iSeahorse project.
What do I do
Elsa is a Research Assistant with Project Seahorse working with Miguel Correia. She is conducting Red List assessments for syngnathid species and providing valuable support to the community science iSeahorse project. She is also part of the IUCN Seahorse, Pipefish & Seadragon Specialist Group.
Community Science, Seahorses, Ocean, Red List, Conservation
Contact Information
Website: Project Seahorse, IUCN Seahorse